
Alissa Acosta

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What is the perfect number of hours to sleep?

I never get that much hours of sleep but it just sounds like a nice amount.

What's up?

Lying in bed, wanting to take my contacts out but too lazy to get up. What about you.

How do you know that you're in love?

How I know I'm in love with a person, to be exact, is when I find myself thinking about them every day. I replay all of our memories in my head every chance I get. I get that warm tingling feeling when we're alone together. I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach when I think about them with being with anyone else. My heart beats really fast when our eyes meet. Every moment we're apart it feels as if it's been a lifetime. Saying goodbye becomes difficult. Gazing at them makes me smile and giggle. I realize how much I don't want to live without them.
Liked by: Niklas

Is love complicated? Why?

It really can be complicated because most times you never really know when you're in love. You can be doing everything with someone, or doing something in general, and not realize you're in love until you take the time and think, "Am I in love"? To me, love is an insane feeling. It can either break or mend people, and that's the extraordinary thing about it.

what makes you think that if u dont mind me asking

Idk, it's just one of the many reasons why I maybe think she would have?

why would a girl lie about having a boyfriend when she clearly is interested in me? your opinion of course tnx

She's afraid that she'll lose the attention you gave her, the way you acted toward her, and the way things were between you two if she told you.
But that's how I see it, although under certain circumstances.


Language: English