
Alissa Acosta

Ask @AlissaAcosta

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What are the three most important things for you to be happy?

One of them is to have friends who aren't so immature mentally wise. Like, when they treat a person and talk bad about them by only with the impression they've given off, when they clearly don't know who they really are and what they're going through. Especially when they don't even know each other. It's irritating and too immature. Another is being with the people you love and care for who do in return. And being able to love yourself first before anyone.

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Well maybe you can shove off if she simply does not want to tell you if she's single or not!

Thanks duuude.

Okay, okay. Jokingly I was saying you are a fat suit! :D But of course i'm kidding!

Oh, I am, haha! I expand even more when I eat.

Wait what are you talking about? I just want you to be Alissa and nobody else xD

Oh! Well, aw. Haha, I guess so. But idk, I don't think being "me" is always good, so I usually change in ways that make me "good", hahaha.

What scares you more than anything else?

I guess losing the ones I love most.
And the dark. That shiz nit is scary.
And walking alone in long, empty corridors.


Language: English