
Alissa Acosta

Ask @AlissaAcosta

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Whaaat? I don't say goodnight like you. You say it like me!

Nuh uhhh!! I say it like myself!!!

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I'll just stay xD cause someone's not sleeping and how would you hit me if you don't know who I am.xD

What if I do, huh xD

Wow lol no I'm not gonna leave you here alone xD

But... I have my turtle friends...
I'm not alone :D

Goodnight! :D sleep well don't let turtle bugs bite

Well, I'm not sleeping yet xD
and heyyy, you say goodnight similar to me xD
Well nighty night, sleep tight, don't let thr bed bugs bite!! sweet dreams piggy person.

Okay, maybe not a direct interaction either :P

What the heck xD who else would I have communicated with directly or indirectly on facebook the past 24 hours... xD
What is your gender??
Liked by: Samuel

No, what is giraffe?

So, if we interacted on Fb the past 24 hours.... then are you the same anon as the "secret admirer"?? xD

But you have a busy day tomorrow! So i'll be leaving you now :P It's not that impossible based on the idea of a facebook interaction sometime in the past 24 hours

Wait... is this the piggy anon?? or the other? xD

I'm kidding! Once you figure out who I am then you can! But you better get to bed first!

But that's impossible with the lack of clues you give me xD
And noooo, I don't want to sleep yet xD


Language: English