
Alissa Acosta

Ask @AlissaAcosta

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If you could invent a holiday what would it be?

A holiday where everyone gives letters to people about how they feel towards them to show that people DO care for you and what you think isn't true, especially when you're going through hard times.
Just a holiday of making people happy.
Heh... and one that lasts at least 3 weeks.... cause school sucks .-.

In 2013, the # became popular. On a keyboard the 3 key is also the # key. So in 2014, what will we use the $ for? What are your predictions for this year's pop-culture? You intellectual sir/madam.

Idk, things are going to be more expensive, people will invent more things that a lot of people will buy, therefor getting a lot of money, etc.

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Describe what a good friend means to you?

It means a lot.
Especially when they're there for me, and don't give up. They stay, and that's all that matters.
It makes me thankful for them because just knowing that they take time out of their OWN time to talk, be with me and all that jazz is just something that I appreciate a lot.

Do you smile at strangers?

It makes me feel better when I see that it makes them happy.
It's amazing how powerful a smile can be.


Language: English