
Alissa Acosta

Ask @AlissaAcosta

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If one morning, you woke up as the member of the opposite sex, what will you do first?

I'd go to the bathroom, see that I somehow changed into a man, and start freaking out and faint.

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What is your favorite way to spend some time alone?

In my room. Listening to music.
I also hate being alone because I start thinking about things that don't make me happy.

What is your favorite music band?

There are so much.
Coldplay, Red Hot Chili Peppers, OneRepublic, The Fray, Snow Patrol, Lady Antebellum, Daughtry, and sooo much more.

Who was the last person you kissed?

Like 3 days ago.
But I was a very, idk, special kiss I guess. I don't know how to explain it.

What have you been thinking about lately?

Something that I can't handle thinking about but can't forget about.
And also about maybe moving back to the mainland.

What's the worst nightmare you've ever had?

I've had so many...
They're so scary...
I'm basically traumatized from it all.

Would legalizing marijuana be a good thing or bad thing?

It smells like crap.
I know from experience. I was locked in a room while someone was smoking it. I almost died.

What supercool connections have you made through the Internet?

Friends, who eventually became something very special to me.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?

Sometimes being yourself is just something you shouldn't do.

What is one thing you have tried to change, but couldn't?

But I never seem to be good enough.
I try so hard, but I never get good results.

What do you dream about?

They're nightmares.
I have to wait until I fall asleep, rather than going to sleep when I want to because I'm terrified of sleeping.


Language: English