
Alissa Acosta

Ask @AlissaAcosta

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Yes I am giving you piggy.

Yayy :3
Does whatever a SPIDER PIG does
Can he swing
From a web
No he cant
He's a pig
He is a SPIDER PIG!!

Well someone is busy so your secret admirer will talk to u late (:

Sorry, I was eating pizza xD this whole day I've been working on my science project with some of my fwends.

Lol do you know who I am ? XD

Noo, sorry xD
Your clues aren't enough for me to specifically specify who you are out of the many guys that are in band, whom are my friend, and play a sport. haha

Your personality is also cute and I love the way you laugh you're just cute.

Awwww, you're too sweet x)
Thank you. mehhhhh, hehe x)
everyone says that about my laugh, but it's so weird xD even my sneeze. whenever I sneeze everyone is like "awwww" xD then I turn red

I like you and your cute that's another clue

you're* xD
and aww, thanks x)
but that clue TOTALLY helps me xD
another ooone :D

Lol you know me I'm your secret admirer xD

Well psh, I know that.
But that doesn't even give me enough information xD


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