
Alissa Acosta

Ask @AlissaAcosta

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Sooo go tape it up :P

Eh, I have a band-aid on it now...
I don't think I'd tape it...
Unless you meant tape it up band-aid wise then.... oh. haha.

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How do you cut your foot there?

Heh.. uh, I opened my fridge, a little glass container thing filled with cheese dropped by my foot, and I guess the glass kind of flew against my foot? so yeah.
I had the funniest yet most calm reaction. I didn't know I cut myself, then my dad was like, go see it. and I saw blood. and he asked me if there was glass in it and I said "oh god. I'm going to panic if there is. oh god". but I started laughing so hard when it fell and I saw my foot was bleeding xD


Look. I just cut my foot :D
hahaha. my world kinda screwed me over for a second. but it's all gooooood mayunnn.

What world are you living in now?

In the process of becoming prepared for the real world. That world.

LOL what age?

Not sure.
Whenever I'm sure with my loved one, have a stable job, and a house.
Basically when I'm prepared for the "real world" itself.

so nooo kidsss for you

I'd like to have kids, just, y'know, I'd probably find it creepy. Then again this is just now. I'll probably change and shtuff when I get to that age.

Happen to you?

Yes, cause I have had a sloth growing inside of my womb for about 3 years now.
Jk, that's nasty.
I honestly always thought pregnancy itself is freaky. Like dude, you have something GROWING inside of you. And when the lady and everyone gets all happy and excited to see it kicking and all. Ermagerd. I can't handle that. Reminds me of predator and shiz.

You want that to happen?

It's be interesting to see that happen in real life.
Then again the woman would probably die.

Just slow. I don't think you'd be able to claw my eyes out anyway :D

I can...
A slow.. painful death. Funny cause sloths look like they're always smiling, so that'll make it even more brutal in a way.. smiling while killing someone... nice.

xD Well that's why you're a sloth!

What's that suppose to mean..
teasing mah slothy sloth friends and meh?

What were you going to say? HAHAH I just made it up

Smooth dude. Smooooth.
and I was just going to simply say "Cause DAMMMM". But now that has been downgraded, HAHAHA.

Maybe. Because you make me go dam.

DUDE. THAT WAS SO SMOOTH. Better than what I was going to say.

Left or right?

The direction in which the turtle and sloth crawls at about 2.5 mph, going to the underground of unicorn poop treasure burried in a cave of what you would call, Fakaka's buttgina.

Don't listen to them anymore :D

Nah... it's okay. They're my dudes mayun, I gotta go with the flow, haha
Liked by: 20


Language: English