
Alissa Acosta

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Secret! I'll see you next week too.

Yes. I know. If you're in band then yeah xD
Whoooo isssshh youuuu

Welp I saw you last night! :P

But.. but... there were so much people. I'm pretty sure almost all did when I got up to receive shtuff xD
Whooo isssshh youuuuu ;3

That your entire legacy will be reduced to an empty, soul-less corpse? That no matter how many people you surround yourself with, you will die alone?

I believe that.

What if I told you that you're adrift in an uncaring world, in which everyone is only out to help themselves, that all human interaction is based on lies and selfishness? That you'll never find true love because love doesn't exist? That you're entire life will not leave a lasting impression on earth

What if I told you that you're just in a coma and living all of this in a dream??

What if I told you rules were meant to be broken?

What if I told you, there are no such thing as rules, but consequences??

You're kidding right? You can only have one best friend. The law clearly states: All persons are too have one best friend - either human or canine - and one only.

and no.
I personally could care less about that "law" of yours :P
I believe one could have as many bestfriends they believe they have.
So for me, I have a few.

1) Still didn't answer said question 2) What was your guess on the # of kisses because I was sure I had it in the bag with 252.

ThomasEnstrom’s Profile PhotoMister E.
Well... I kind of forgot what I guessed. I think I said 160 or 165.
I got a 160-165 kisses :D but... chocolate ;-; hahaha

It's never too late!

"It's too late to apologize....."
hahaha, sorry, the song just popped up into my head.
and ehhh... I'm still sad it's over xD

Whats funny about being rough? :o Great it was fun!

Nothing ;3
and dude, yeah, it was soo funn. I'm already having withdrawals ;-;

sooo then how was your night?

It was awesome x)
I got a trophy, won a big bag of kisses, danced and laughed my butt off, Elanie and I got awarded BFFs, took a bunch of pictures at the photo booth, and ugh, just everything. OH! And I danced with myself at the slow song ;3 but before that David and Chris held both hands and put me in the middle of them to sacrifice me. Quite nice, isn't it?? xD
Liked by: _e_l_a_n_i_e_


Language: English