
Alissa Acosta

Ask @AlissaAcosta

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What is the very last thing you do before you settle in to fall asleep at night?

Think a lot.
Until I drown in deep sorrow.

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What do you do to fall asleep?

I don't do anything. I wait until I fall asleep.
Been like that for a while now.

Would you call yourself a good person???

Not at all.
I have no qualities of me that are even close to good.
I mess up and always end up doing something that makes everything horrible.
I'm Alissa.

Do you like anyone??

Umm.... well.... like I'm indecisive.
Like I don't know if I like him or not.
I think I do, but then again I don't know, haha.

If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

The color of invisibility.
Awesomeness dude.
Liked by: _e_l_a_n_i_e_

Tbh, I LOVE having you as my friend/sister/wife. You're such a pain in the butt sometimes! But i still love you X)Thanks for always being there for me. Stay happy and get crazier. Oh and thanks for printing out my research paper xD You're such an awesome person. whut would i do with out you. LOVE U

yupitsmeelanie’s Profile Photo_e_l_a_n_i_e_
Awwww, thank you. and you're welcome. love you toooooo ♡
Liked by: _e_l_a_n_i_e_

tbh alissa.... You are still one of my best friends. Your personality is superb and don't let anyone tell you differently. I know it's hard to forget about things and move on, but we all have to. Don't kill yourself over one thing, experience the world for what it is. You'll find great things :D

Thanks Mr. Yonehiro. Appreciate it.
You gotta talk to me more dude :P


Language: English