
Alissa Acosta

Ask @AlissaAcosta

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Do you smile at strangers?

Yes, because sometimes a smile can brighten a person's whole day x) but not to everyone.. because some of them look like one of those "bad boys" or whatever how you describe them.. I don't really like them xD

What do you say during awkward silences?

Random stuff. Such as "potatoes, unicorns, meep, merp" or just a simple "AWKWARD SILENCE" xD

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Would you rather live without TV or music?

i stopped watching it anyways, but I can't stand living without music. :3

Do you have any strange phobias?

Hmm.. Not really.. Well maybe bugs going into my ear, but one that I'm really afraid of is the dark O_O Whenever I'm in the dark alone I immediately start thinking of every bad/scary thing possible.

What was the most disturbing thing you've ever seen?

There's a lot actually. But one of them has to be seeing a worm come out of my dog's butt ._.

Who do you like ;)?

I don't like someone.. I LOVE someone.. And that is...... POTATOES!!!!!! Well basically food. Haha!!

Ever seen what whale penises looks like? I do...

Nope. Would I want I want to?? How horrible is it?? xD

AT least I can SEE my butt! xDDDDD

Hey. I can too. I'm just that flexible xD are you saying that you check on your butt at times..?

You gots problems against giraffes?!?!?!?

Nope. Not at all. Do you have a problem against penguins?!?!?!

What are your nationalities?

Filipino x) Well Spanish as well but Spanish is together with Filipino so yeah xD

Language: English