
kimkeyy (heidi)

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Why fansites know all shinee schedules?

you can find all the schedule information online, and for things like airport and venue arrivals/departures, it's easy to get that info if you know the right people. even if you don't have connections with sm, you can get that info from fans who know it well. for example, if key's going to a musical they can have one person watch the sm building for key to leave and when he does they'll notify their friend, so they know at about what time he'll arrive at the musical venue. you can do that kind of thing easily, or just arrive at the venue early and wait. and you can find flight times on the internet and by guessing well. anyone can do it, it's not too hard if you know korean.

hii! I have a question.. uum how is clubbing in Korea? I mean how's the atmosphere there and how's the people. have you been clubbing before there? if you, can you describe it a little bit ? and I heard that - sounds awks now - as a white girl you can get into the vip lounges for free ?

tbh i've never really gone clubbing in america so i can't compare korea to anywhere else, but clubbing here is pretty fun. the atmosphere is really lively, it feels much less dangerous to me here than it would in america, i think. it's hard to find drugs in korea, so mostly it's just lots of people who are super drunk. anyway, good music, lots of drinking. seems like clubbing anywhere would be the same.
though to me, i don't like clubbing in hongdae because hongdae is kind of the drinking capital of seoul, people in hongdae are usually really sloppy and wasted. hongdae is also a big drinking spot for foreigners, so there's always SOOOOO MANY foreigners in playground park and their main mission is to get as shitfaced as they can as fast as they can (itaewon, the 'foreigner district', is similar. because foreigners are usually in korea to have a good time or vacation, they usually party super hard).
lots of clubs in hongdae let girls in for free or give a free drink, and the guys working the door are always trying to get you to go into their club. i just don't like the feel of it there. but clubbing in gangnam is super fun. gangnam is expensive but it's worth the price to pay for admission and pricey alcohol, because the clubs are so much bigger, nicer, and more classy. it's just as fun, but less sloppy.

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Does shinee fansite has a connection with sm?

i dunno for sure. but i think so XD even just a little bit. fansites have lots of connections.

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Who's your bias in shinee?

it's jongkey. i can't choose one, so don't ask me to XDDDD they're both my bias..

i hope they have comeback with like japan concept >< like boys meet u 321 or lucky star. >< i think they very free shooting and more fun.. and fresh like young boy :D what do you think about that?

Yes I love the happy energetic concept!! I love their Japanese songs but they're too "cute" for SHINee's image in Korea, but I think they could have a fun/happy mv and still have a cool song too.
Liked by: Bryton Doucette kyla

Do fansite usually buy gift with their own money?

I think they of course put in their own money too, but most of the time the money they earn from selling their goods goes toward support projects, birthday projects, and donations in the name of SHINee or their bias. That's how they can afford such expensive gifts XD they save all year for Christmas and Birthday projects.

What's the most expensive things that fansites ever gave to shinee members ?

i don't know exactly >< i don't keep track or anything...but i know jonghyun's gotten laptops (like expensive gaming laptops or macbooks), hdtv's, brand name clothing and accessories and jewelrey and cologne (which is the same for the other members or any idol). most of the gifts are very very expensive. i think jonghyun got a turntable from one of his fansites once, and he's gotten nice guitars before too. so idk what's the most expensive gift shinee's ever got, but really expensive gifts are very common.

What do you think about f(x) cancelled all their schedule?

i have....no idea tbh i'm just confused??? i actually didn't hear much about it so idrk what's going on but it's just weird and fishy........and a little worrysome?

what are you hoping for shinee's next comeback?? music, fashion, hairstyle?? XD

R&B R&B R&B!!!!!!!!!! I want something R&B and SEXY, I guess like Symptoms but less sad. My favorite SHINee album is still their first album, even after all this time. Because I miss the real good R&B vocalizations T_T it doesn't have to be very slow, just lots of vocals and harmonies and sexy haha~ but I know they like to always change their style and they probably wouldn't use a song like that as a promotion song, so I don't have my hopes too high but I never give up thinking about R&B SHINee TuT <3
Something else I would love is like...really really colorful!!! Remember when they used to wear pastel colored skinny jeans!? I miss that so much!!! They don't need to do exactly the same thing again, but I would love it if they brought out the funky :D they've gone a little dark recently. Dream Girl was closer to what I want!! Like, imagine IGAB funk and styling mixed with the colors and fun of Block B's Her MV. OMFG. I just love super saturated colorful styling and videos *_____* <33333 WHAT IF THEY HAD BRIGHT COLORED CHALKED/DYED HAIR!?!? Like Sunny in IGAB! Remember Key tried chalking his hair a little bit during DG era? I want that for a whole concept! Or dyed like P.O's hair omfg! Is it weird that I want that? Maybe lots of fans now imagine SHINee being really mature, I don't know if people will disagree with me when I say I want something that's silly like colorful hair...hahaha but it's just my personal dream XDDDD
Althoughhhh I really doubt they'll do colorful after they were so manly with Everybody. But the question was only about what I'm hoping for, so that's what I'm hoping for XDDD my delusional fantasies...oh but who knows, cuz they did do Hello right after Lucifer o___O that was the biggest change ever! But the concept I'm hoping for is not like Hello at all T_T I don't like Hello, it's too too too "cutesy". Colorful doesn't necessarily need to be aegyo or cute, like their Japanese songs (which I love, but wouldn't be good in Korea), but it can just be funky and fun (like Block B TuT)
Idk I just feel like Everybody era was so much black and white, even all the merch and stuff is just black and white and grey, and a little navy...and EVBD era is lasting a long time now...so I'm ready for a color pop XD pleaseeee sm!!

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Liked by: Tracy

I wanna ask you something, did fansite noona always attend shinee concert even though it's not in Korea? Did all fansite noona rich ? I'm so curious about that , sorry for my bad English :D

not all of them are rich but having lots of money makes the job easier haha..and nope fansites don't always go to every event. and usually sites have many people that work for them so it's not always the same person at events. that's why it seems like they're super human, but they actually go to school or have other jobs too haha.
Liked by: Antispin That Shit

When Japanese Shawols and fansites who came to SWC3JKT, they behave like they are superior and cut the queue, because they wanted to get better position =_=

i'm sorry you experienced that ㅠ__ㅠ it's common though tbh, fansites have a job to do and they take it very seriously. so they're competitive. that happens everywhere ><

if i go to a fansign could i write a short message (like a sentence) in korean at the top of the page i want them to sign? would that be a bad idea? i just know i'd forget what i want to say staring at their faces o.o

most groups allow fans to stick post-its with questions or notes on them, but shinee('s staff) doesn't. the staff will check your album and make you take out any post-its they find.
but...if you write on the actual album page itself, they won't be able to make you take that out...but i've never seen anyone do that before...and you would be ruining the album and signature page. so it's up to you if you want to try to do that.
and i guess even though they don't let you put post-its in the album, they don't have a problem with fans giving letters or other small gifts and papers. so if you keep the small notes in your pocket, you can probably hand them to each member if you don't forget. (i always forget to give small stuff like that when i try it hahaha)

hey there i hope you have a great day today or a good rest if ever it's already night where you are <33

wow thanks so much :) that's very nice of you <3 hope you had a good day too haha

How can i become friends with k shawols?

the same way you become friends with anyone else ^^ just be friendly!
and of course it helps to know korean. many ppl here get nervous to speak english or talk to foreigners because they feel like their english isn't good. so they can be shy. speaking korean will make it more comfortable. or, find some korean fans who speak english well ^^ i know some ㅋㅋ

Heidi ah, typos means when you write some word bad?

yea typo is short for "typographical error" but no one really says that you can just say "typo" haha. it's when you know the correct word/spelling but accidentally hit the wrong keys

what happen about taemin hair?

a fan spotted taemin with his manager today and taemin was wearing a black beanie and had blond hair. there are no photos now, only the fanacct.
(earlier i tweeted about blond taemin photos on my timeline because the news about blond taemin made everyone post lots of old blond taemin pictures today)

Why you don't like the word 'stan'? What is the real meaning? (sorry for bothering you I wonder bc I'm not a native english speaker ㅠㅠ)

they way i learned it is that the word stan means 'stalker' + 'fan'. but someone told me that it originally comes from the song 'stan' by eminem, and it's used in the hip-hop/rap community too. but in both situations 'stan' means obsessive fan, and some people dislike the negative connotation.
there is a similar situation with the word 'fan' in korean (빠순이). it was created with a negative meaning but now has very widespread use and the meaning is changing to become less negative. perhaps 'stan' is the same.
but personally i don't like calling ppl stalker...saying stalker and sasaeng in korea is a really big accusation and very rude, like a cuss word. many people use the word sasaeng too freely, in reality the meaning is much more harsh and offensive. not every person who follows their idol is a sasaengㅠㅠ so pls don't call ppl sasaeng too easilyㅠㅠ only in the right situation..

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Liked by: Tracy

how usually kfans think about ifans? I mean if they think ifans is wild, or uncontrollable or yeah smt like that

i think most korean fans just dislike other fandoms more than they dislike intl fans in their own fandom. but sometimes korean fans prefer to stay away from ifans just bc they're shy or can't speak english/other langs well. but for some people, i think there's some stereotype that when idols go overseas the fans act more crazy. many korean fans go to overseas concerts and events too, so they have experienced it first-hand and for things like pink play party in sg or when people hear about the incidents at the airport in indonesia and etc, it can sometimes hurt the reputation of ifans :( bc shawols are usually a very calm fandom, they're just not used to that much yelling and pushing. and idols don't go overseas too much, so it's natural that the fans there are excited more easily, but no one likes to see fans hurt other fans or shinee, even if it's an accident. so everyone should be carefulㅠㅠ

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Liked by: T.

What is k shawol opinion in jonghun x sekyung scandal?

it's not something people like to talk about. i think that no matter whether they think it's real or fake, most people here don't like it. and i think the reason most ppl don't like it is because jonghyun lost many fans because of it and he was hurt badly, even crying in public. fans don't like to see their idols hurt, so even if they are dating it's probably better if it's in secret so they don't get hurt from fans or antis.
as for if most people think it's real vs fake, i don't know the answer to that honestly, bc i don't talk abt it to people here.

Do you stan other groups (not from sm) other than shinee? :)

first of all i don't like using the word 'stan', but i like almost all kpop groups.
i don't really care about the members of other groups so much to know their birthdays or watch tv shows of them; i mostly only care about the music. but if i had to list some favorite artists, i'd say block b, a pink, btob, kara, girl's day, iu, sistar, lee hyori, u-kiss, vixx, nu'est, dal shabet.....etc etc etc XD and there's a ton missing i'm sure. it's hard to narrow the list. i really like a lot of kpop music.
as for top 'biases' outside sm i really like kara gyuri, apink eunji, iu, miss a suzy, block b zico, and...f.cuz leeu. anyone remember leeu? T__T i miss him so much...
Liked by: Tracy

Do you have a photo of you and onew at a fansign???? ^^

no i don't but i have this photo from smtown week LMAO that's the best i got...oh and at dream concert 2013 video you can see me in the audience near onew lmfao but fansign pics or interaction, nope..><
Liked by: Tracy

About the 'being on a SHINee fansign 3x in one day' what did the other members think? Did they notice it? And what did you think they thought when you were there? Sorry for bad english ^^; (u dont need to explain key because u answered it xD)

two of the fansigns were only onew, minho, and key. taemin was at the last one (jjong was at none since it was wss era T_T) and LOL tbh back then i was still too nervous to speak much to them.
so i know onew and minho remembered me at all the fansigns too, but since i didn't have anything to say to them and they make me too nervous cuz they're too handsomeㅠㅠ it was a little awkwardㅠㅠ just like "..hi~ ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ" and get my album signed and moved on LOL. but i could see that they were a little amused that i was at all 3 fansigns that day, cuz when i walked up they looked kinda surprised and laughed to themselves XD
Liked by: Tracy


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