

Ask @cyronveerson

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Please explain how you view the world today,? I'm afraid if I have a different opinion myself, and why the rainbow comes when the rain has fallen ?

well, i don't think i could explain the entirety on how i view the world today. i think it's just big like there are so many roots of it and it is just too much to explain it in words bcs it might makes me overwhelmed by it.

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omg i feel bad for you! but its okay at least you've tried it. haha i know that nervous feeling like you really dont want to die. yeah watching gameplay for me memang seronok like satisfying. wow idk the story cause i dont do the research yet. so paimon the mergency food? who is it?

yep, most of the games that i want to play didn't make it for me to play them but watching them on youtube actually enough for me hehe. idk what kind of creature paimon is. it's the one that can hover like a fairy or something. "emergency food" is just a joke because i think she's small or something like that hahaha
+2 answers in: “best ke game genshin impact?”

Do you listen to your parents’ advice?

not all the time. there are advices that i can take and some are not. don't get me wrong but not all parents are perfect.

oh alahai i've never play this kind of game before but sometimes game ni buat rasa tertarik. i've watched the gameplay on youtube out of curiosity ?

right!? i played it recently my phone got laggy a bit so i have to stop til i get another phone. too bad i got too anxious and panicked all the time everytime fighting those monsters. but it's really good bcs there are so many characters with different skills and ability. but for now, i only watch the gameplay on youtube. and not forget to mention that the storyline is good. do you know that the first god they fought at the beginning of the story is actually paimon the "emergency food"? ?
+2 answers in: “best ke game genshin impact?”

Why does he have to come back? ?

i'm not even sure my friend but no, don't let your guard down for someone who used to hurt you.

Kalau korang ada anak, apa nasihat yang korang akan bagi kat anak-anak korang nanti ?

i'll always remind them that if they're not feel very well mentally, i'll try to help them by seeking professional help. i know that comforting them is just not enough but i will always accompany them to see their therapist everyday or every week. i don't mind about the cost bcs i really love them.

First 5 questions will be answered 100% honest ?

themoonlightbae’s Profile Photomnh
i know my question won't make it to the first 5 questions. but even if it don't make it, i ask anyway. how's your day?

Hahahahahahahahahaha twitter ada fleet hahahahahahahahahahagagagagagagaga macam bodo lahhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahagagaagagagagagagagagagagaagagagagagagagaga

imagine when one of your friends asking you to see their latest story and you'll be like "girl which one? twitter or instagram?" PLS ???
+1 answer Read more


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