

Ask @cyronveerson

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Cuba la tanya benda yang berfaedah. Ni “what is your opinion on girls who don’t wear makeup” Widih itu semua biasa dik. Kurang kan insecure tu. Ada la tu jodohnya nanti cuma lambat ke cepat je. Buat la apa yang patut, nak cantik ke apa ikut suka hati. Tanya elok sikit pls.

hahaha sabar je la

Awak tahu tak apa beza senyum awak dgn orang lain Orang lain senyum nampak cantik Awak senyum nampak masa depan kita

lmao ok 😂

Its been 9 months since aq broke up dengan ex gf aq. AQ harap nanti aku dpt lupakan dan tidak terfikir2 lagi tentang dia. DOAKAN AKU GUYS


Want to play pc games together or having talk in discord?

too bad that my laptop is not suitable for heavy gaming. but i do play an online game which is a private server and i do have discord too!

Would you ever try online-dating? and why?

DramioneLupin’s Profile PhotoDelle
i actually tried it when i was in my teen years but i decided to stop and prevent myself from getting on dating apps. probably:
1. most people have high standards so i don't think i can fit or fulfill people's preferences
2. i think that the world have become more materialistic
3. catfish and all the people that only want to have sex

Lelaki ni turn off dgn perempuan yg suka rahsia rahsia. Contoh pakai dp siapa tah/unknown. Dia mcm xthu dia ckp dgn siapa.



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