

Ask @cyronveerson

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Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous?

i do have an uncle who is a local singer here in Sabah. but he's not that famous. but, everytime there's "keramaian" in here, the people always play his song and sing it when there's a karaoke. so yeah, maybe he is just famous in this kampung of mine. but i still don't know tho.

Walaupun badan penat macam mana sekali pun, otak tak pernah penat dari overthinking😌 Kan?

yea, it is called "mentally exhausted"

How's your day so far?

it was tiring af but, i feel relieved that tmr is Wednesday and yeah, i don't have classes. but, i think it's going to be exhausting too since i have to go out and receive my parcel and i have to go to the bank just to renew my card.

What three things do you think of the most each day?

1. things to do after graduated from college.
2. i seems like idc about relationship anymore but i do think it a lot cuz like... is there somebody out there who's gonna love me for who i am?
3. like... what would happen to me of my parents are gone someday?

Who was your first crush? Do you still remember them?

i still remember that person but i can't talk about her here 💀 it was embarrassing so yeah. i just can't LMAO

What/who broke your heart?

i actually asked my lecturer to postpone yesterday's class for the java programming subject cuz i had to settle the renewing of my debit card at the bank. but when i arrived at the bank, there were notice saying that they had to close it until further notice and i think it was pointless to postpone my class yesterday

Percayalah ada sesuatu tengah perhantikan kita sekarang ni. Sentiasa berjaga-jaga 😀

i literally have no one watching me except the demons in my room and my sleep paralysis demon

Sy perempuan suka perempuan. sy tau salah. Sy nk berubah. Tpi sy x suka lelaki. So mcmmana.

if you don't want to change, it's okay. if you want to change, then change. it is all up to you.


Language: English