

Ask @cyronveerson

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Filem horror seantero dunia yang paling seram anda pernah lihat? Namakan.

NumeroMan’s Profile PhotoNumeroUnoMan
there was one film that i watched that it made me think it's the scariest film i've ever watched. it's not even about ghost tbh. i wanna share the title here but the film is not appropriate even if you're an adult. my life changed ever since i watched that film. i got traumatized 💀

Why ppl here ask for relation only!! Girls think smart, no one deserves sacrifice, marriage or get lost

i think the same too! i mean, it's not only girls. boys too. it feels like love and relationship is mandatory for everyone when the fact is that there's more to life than just focusing on love life

Kenapa laki kena kecam bila ada preference terhadap perempuan tapi perempuan boleh pulak memilih. Taknak laki tinggi lah, taknak laki kurus sangat lah, taknak laki nek cik lah, taknak laki yang terlalu baiklah apalah tapi contoh: Bila laki kata dia prefer perempuan badan slim, habis kena kecam.

i'm not sure about that tho.

How many TRUSTED friends do you have?

i mean, it's not like i don't trust anyone completely or entirely tho. i only trust some but not that much.

Did you say tight or light!!!

when i see the word "tight" the first thing that came to mind is cpr by cupcakke 💀

It was a wonderful 7 days for me. And tbh, deep down inside, I hope he’s changed. Whatever I’ve read, it should be in the past now. I pray nothing but the best for him. If it’s not me, there will be the right one for him🙏🏻 Kalau ada jodoh, harap dipermudahkan semuanya😢


Bak tips hadap kawan ofis sarkastik selain sabar .

when people be sarcastic towards, i give them silent treatment for a very long time until they say sorry. i know i might sound petty and sometimes they'll just say that they were joking. tapi bila dia buat kat kita, dia rasa ok. bila kita buat kat dia, tiber jadi bitter. smh.

Is it bad to think dy*ng is good?

nope. it happens to people and it's a real thing. so to resolve it, seek professional help.

What made your standard for your partner to be so high?

i don't set standards cuz i don't even want to have a partner at the moment


Language: English