

Ask @cyronveerson

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Gais. Kalau cursor tak boleh select words dgn betul pastu dia cam degil, tu masalah mouse ke apa eh?

maybe. i don't know. sorry.

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have some self worth. you know you dont deserve those treatment, then, walk away

that's what i'm doing from now on. if i got mistreated, i don't think it would worth my time to quarrel. walking away is the best thing and act like nothing bothers you

i dont want to talk bad about you, i know i aint that good too

nah. it's okay. if you want to talk bad about me. it's up to you. i can't always be good in every people's eyes.

So much happened to me last month. Its just Feb and I just lost my brother forever.

hi there! i hope you're stronger for this and i believe you can! i hope you're having a good day too 😊

U never realise to appreciate someone effort till that person choose to let u go because they tired and start care about themselves more anyone ... because they feel hurt...


Kadang rasa orang yang send shout-out ni macam bodoh tak pandai menulis dengan baik. I wonder berapa lah umur diorang ni. Tak reti susun ayat dengan betul. Tanda baca tunggang langgang. Aku marah sebab aku tak faham diorang nak sampaikan apa sebenarnya ugh kacau mood betul nak jawab soalan

oh i see

Zaman sekarang, kenapa orang suka pakai iphone?

idk why i think that most people love it just bcs of the camera. i also think that people tend to have iphone if they're a social media type of a person.

Apa pandangan anda tentang lelaki yang suka merajuk ?

i don't think it's wrong for men to show emotions and be vulnerable. if men being brainwashed to not having feelings, the world gonna ends cuz toxic masculinity ain't shit.


Language: English