

Ask @cyronveerson

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Someone and many one start to change to melt & catch others attention. But pleaseeeeeee BE YOU! It very discomfort & guilty pressure when someone change just because of you.

i never change for people. i can change ny bad behaviors but no one could change how comfortable i am in my clothes and my own skin.

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Do you think that the humans that use this app will all go extinct one day? Like just one day nobody will come back here anymore

that reminds me of formspring 👁️👄👁️

It's Gemini here, your Star is ?

my sun is in aquarius. my moon sign is taurus. my rising sign is cancer. my mercury sign is aquarius. my venus sign is capricorn. my mars sign is pisces. my jupiter sign is aquarius. my saturn sign is aries. uranus sign is aquarius. neptune sign is aquarius. and, my pluto sign is saggitarius.

Have you ever written a poem? If yes, what was it about?

yeah. actually it is about a lot of things. grief, death, afterlife, happiness, blue, life, manic. just too many...

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it's not a scam actually but have you read or watch anything about paris hilton?

if i could turn back the time, i would let you be on ur own

but the reality is, none of us can turn back in time. however, you can move on! i know it's hard but you just have to try it :)

What are some things you realized when you got mature?

i started not to care much about what young people do lol. now i'm just into plants and practicing tarot reading 😂

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yesterday i was eating buns for my breakfast. i think it was kaya or something like that...


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