

Ask @cyronveerson

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What do you think your friends think of you?

idk tbh. they all have different minds. so yeah, they all might have different opinions about me.
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Are you getting married?

i never put my thoughts on that yet cuz that's not my priority. but, i kinda think that i don't want to get married but who knows, maybe in the future i want to. but not now. or not at all.

What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve done for love? Me: Lied about something to avoid my parents hate someone.

i ignored everyone that actually cares about me when the fact our relationship doesn't last longer

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Late night thoughts

if only there's a pause button to pause this world for a while, i probably gonna take a long rest or break

Wehh kalau aku boleh putar balik masa time aku 20 tahun...aku xnk da layan crush dah..aku nak shoot terus gi kat dia just bagitau apa yg aku rasa..tunggu2 pon x guna gak dia kahwin ngan awek lain 😞

well, you actually don't be so stressful about it at all. just focus on the present more as greater things eventually will come.

for girl normal ke umur 26 tpi tak kahwin lgi?

normal je. don't worry. i also have a cousin in her 30s that still not got married yet. just take it slow and don't be so hard on yourself when it comes to jodoh.

Do you love yourself?

i believe that loving ourselves is not always constant and it's never always about stability. don't get me wrong. i do love myself a lot. but there are times that i also struggle with loving myself where i do a lot of self-loathe. it's kind of a battle that i have to go through but, maybe it's normal(?) idk. but, i don't like being hypocritical tho.

I hope if I jadi parents one day.. I tkbuat anak rasa mcm dorg tk berguna,kena judge. Knp parents tnya ank Ada prob apa,bila si anak gytau tkhabis lagi parents dok marah bagai like..what the..so jgn peliklah skrg bila anak Tak bercerita dah..



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