

Ask @cyronveerson

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Aku dah 29 tahun. Tapi life aku miserable sgt. Aku rasa semua dh terlambat UTk aku perbaiki, wat should i do

i feel you. i'm currently 24 and i feel miserable already. but it's okay. just don't be so hard on yourself. life can be hard but sometimes you just need to take a break and figure things out. just to remind you that we can't turn back in time. everything has already happened. what you need to do now is focus on the present.

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Dengan hanya menggunakan GIF, jawab soalan ini dengan filem yang paling anda ingat jalan ceritanya dari mula sehingga akhir

Bunuh diri atau teruskan hidup yg penuh penyesalan yg mana better?

i used to be in that situation where i have suicidal thoughts everyday. but now, i chose to live and be numb about every bad things in life. if i want to be sad, i'll be sad. if i want to get angry, then i'll be angry. cuz life's too short to hide our feelings. also, if you have some time, you can always seek professional help. there's nothing wrong with seeking for help :)

family blah ibu or ayah? the one you close to.

i actually have only one cousin from my mom's side that i'm really close with currently. everyone else is meh.

Mengaku jela tahun 2010 dulu, kau tengok karate kid bukan sebab nak tengok sangat filem tu tapi sebab lagu tema dia Justin Bieber yang nyanyi kan?

oh. i actually love that movie 😂

How to be confident with ur look? Aku selalu rasa low self esteem. Macan mana nk jadi cool , confident and ada boifren ramai even muka xberapa cun?

i always fake my confidence. i just don't care anymore.

So much happened to me recently and it's only January.

i hope you're stronger for everything that happened or will happen this year

What is the latest kdrama you watch on Netflix?

i don't watch anything tbh but still trying to finish watching single's inferno 💀

Korang yang main askfm ni, tahu dari mana apps ni?

dulu sebelum ada ask.fm ada formspring. sama fungsi macam ask.fm. tapi bila website tu dah kena closed (i'm not sure they're still online or not) i cari la alternative lain. so, i jumpa this app. but before dia ada app, dulu pakai website je 😂

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