

Ask @cyronveerson

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What are the little things that make you smile today?

i'm really glad that the producer of euphoria announced that there will be a 3rd season of euphoria before they aired, idk, maybe starting from ep 6 to 8(?) i mean, at least i don't have to be petty af despite the not-so-good ending with the last episode just now. it feels good that i still can expect more from the next season.

Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth?

both. but i am more to evans cuz i literally know him ever since i was a kid. i only know hemsworth once he played as thor in the mcu.

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With friends/group or solo travel?

solo travel. i don't like it when everytime i go anywhere with my friends, i am the one who's always have to be behind them, and all of them literally walk in group in front of me and i just like... standing on a random. area and randomly taking photos.

Leonardo DiCaprio or Brad Pitt?

when i was a kid, i found out that leonardo is more dreamy than brad. so yes, leonardo. don't get me wrong. i still fanboying over brad cuz he is still a great actor.

[AGREE/KINDA AGREE/DISAGREE] Mayonnaise is good.

disagree cuz some people can't consume dairy products since they're lactose intolerant. but for me, i kinda agree cuz eventho i have lactose intolerant, i still do consume dairy products. but i prefer to consume it at home and i will always avoid consuming it when going out.

alahaii dah terlepas balik spammer ² ni, dulu tenang sekejap. 😂 chao dulu la penat delete.

hahaha i feel you. sabar je la 😌😂

Tidak perlu terlalu kecewa jika apa yang kita usahakan tidak sesuai dengan harapan. Terkadang jatuh itu untuk tahu di mana yang kurang baik dari yang pernah dijalani, dan barangkali ada niat kita yang salah arah dan tempat.

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Just want to ask, shoutout yang banyak banyak ni kan dari people or bot? Tapi sini ada bot ke? Sorry new here

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i think they just take the ideas from anywhere like... maybe from google. so they just copy pasted them and send them as shouts. maybe it's the vip+ thing. idk. maybe.

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Merepek rasa risau dekat benda yang tak penting. Macam dah takde kerja sangat dalam hidup.

that's why we need to stop worrying about things that aren't matter to us at all. just focus on the things that are matters to us the most.

What is trauma?

trauma is a long term fear which resulted from sometimes, bad experiences. maybe bad childhood. and so on.

u fallen for me oso but u cannot admit it bcuz of some reasons..women r great at hiding they're feeling but some men r smart at interpreting..that's me


Kan best kalau berani lari rumah. Tapi kesian pulak nnty parents malu. Lol

i don't think that rebellious phase is embarrassing. i mean, yeah, it's kinda embarrassing but you can gain memories from it so maybe we can have a good laugh from just making fun of it in the future.


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