

Ask @cyronveerson

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Random thought ✍

if someday we live depending on robots or androids, are we going to be ready when they start to show emotions like human, act like human and ask for equal rights and justice? are we going to promise that we'll never abuse them if just in case that they'll oppose the human race?

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Salam 1 disember guys, bile nk habis pkpb nie ?

salam 1 disember juga. hmmm entah la. macam belum ada harapan nak habis but hopefully tahun depan la habis.

Nak bahagia tapi takut terlupa. Maklumlah manusia sekarang pilih rupa.

just go with bahagiakan diri sendiri instead. you'll never regret it.

org boleh tahu ke kalau kita tengok status ws dia?

boleh ja kalau ada number dorang dalam contact list and dorang pun ada number you dalam contact list dorang. kalau taknak dorang tau, maybe kena turn off "recipient reference" dekat privacy setting ws. tapi tu la, bila dorang tengok status kita, kita tak tau kalau dorang view atau tak.

Is there anyone yang pernah baca manga thru discord?

idk about that. kissmanga is already being shutdown. if you know anything about this, do you mind to share it with me? ?


Language: English