

Ask @cyronveerson

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Kalau rasa x mau , bgitau la skrg. Aku boleh paham juga tu, penat la bgini tiada kepastian. X payah hint2, straight to the point. Jadi tiada siapa yg buang masa.


mcm mn nak tahan dr post selfie kat social media 🥲 susah betul

idek actually cuz i used to do that too. but now i stopped doing that and be more focus on what's in front of the back camera of my phone more than the front camera. i wanted my insta feed to be full of life more than just selfies

Macam mana eh nak suruh gf stop? Kadang tu ingat dosa jugak. But dah terbiasa. Masih nak berubah.

hmmm stop untuk apa?

Abu (bukan nama sebenar) order makanan bungkus kat restoran. 20 minit lepas tu Mat (bukan nama sebenar) order makanan dine in kat restoran. Mat dapat makanan dulu, 20 minit lepas tu baru Abu dapat makanan. Sepatutnya siapa dapat makanan dulu?

i think the cutomers that prefer to dine in first that needs to be served. maybe. idk.

penat la tgk video org kata kalau boyf tak expose kita mean dia nak jaga hati org lain. tak pun sebab malu kita tak lawa & cantik.

lol love is just complicated, right?

siapa Lelaki umur 25 tahun keatas dan masih takder lesen memandu kereta? saya baru nak ambik pada umur 25 ni, Lesen auto pulak tu. huhu.

good luck!

how do i know if a guy wants to be just friends or something more?

well, ask him just to make sure. if he says that he likes you - it doesn't mean that he loves you. like and love are different things. but, if he loves you and still second guess you then it's 🚩
Liked by: Delle

Voice notes or texting?

it depends. sometimes i like texting. and on some occasion, i prefer voice notes too. or sometimes both. it depends.

quick question, macam mana u guys ada major in ______ , minor in ________ . Nampak menarikkk. so nak tahu macam mana ada macam tu since course i takda yg major in _____ minor in ______

sorry. tak tau 😭

If someone luahkan perasaan dekat you sambil nangis nangis, you buat apa?

i just sit there listening to their vents and just let them cry. telling them to stop crying isn't a good move actually


Language: English