

Ask @cyronveerson

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bukankah benda yang kau cerita tu patut sedar dari kecil lagi? tapi kenapa bila dah besar baru perasan.. sus 🤔 anda2

maybe bcs time kecil tak tau apa² lagi sepenuhnya and bila makin nak dewasa, kat situ la kita educate diri kita sampai apa yang berlaku kat kita dulu dapat kita faham sepenuhnya.

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Where’s the place that have your sweetest memories when you were a child?

i think they are the places in where i used to live which is KL

Tak sukanya fikir buruk pasal orang ni

it's okay. just stop thinking negative about people and let us mind our own business.

I noticed there were a lot of questions with excellent answers regarding their partner. I'm assuming the individual who responded is still single.

yeah maybe

Got lots to say but better keep it. So how was your day?

meh. i think it was just, good i guess? but, you know. i did had my day off from everything since there were no online classes. and that means i can rest and take a break from anything.

kalau hidung tersumbat nak buat apa je? minum air pun rasa tersedak sebab tak blh bernafas pakai hidung. 🥲

ada makan ubat selesema? i mean, ubat tu je yang boleh tolong kita untuk tidur 😂

What was high school like for you?

idk why i think of the word "chaotic" but it feels like a lie. i mean... when i was in high school, there were like... a lot of things happened. some of them are good and some of them are bad. but, that's the point of high school. you just make memories out of it.

How to stay strong?

if only i know the answer. but, being strong doesn't mean that you have to be numb on certain things or be emotionless. you're allowed to feel emotions. like... just bcs you're sad doesn't mean you're weak. so, yeah. i think that's it? idk. maybe...


Language: English