

Ask @cyronveerson

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at this point, i just wanna cry but im not that kind that can cry easily

there's nothing wrong with men showing emotions and being vulnerable

I selalu je happy. Dok sorang pun kdg boleh tersengih. Dgr lagu pun dh happy. Tapi cept juga tjde mood. Lagi2 bila benda yg Kita dh usahakan susah payah org tk appreciate pun.bab

sometimes you just have to be selfish and take care of yourself rather than care too much about people that doesn't appreciate your existence at all

sabar hadap je lah ingat rezeki, jodoh, ajal maut semua dekat tangan Tuhan. be tough. may God bless you. 😊


Share ur motto hidup.

"fuck it"
cuz eventho life is not that beautiful as it seems, i just have to breathe and go on with life.

Macam mana nak control excitement utk memula kenal org. Sebab aku perasan if aku excited awal-awal makin lama lepas tu jadi makin hambar, endup terus jadi krikk krikk. The relationship wont long last. Mcm bosan. How eh nak control?

i don't think it has something to do with that feeling excitement. maybe you should just lower down your expectations on people. i learned that in this life, no one will stay. and i'm not talking about death.

Korang, hmm nak tye.. Camne.. Kalau org tu tye benda yg mengaibkan kita.. Tapi kita pun terlepas ckp yg kita pernah buat dosa tu.. Mcmmane ni 😌

idk. maybe just tell them that you're just kidding? idk.

so, whay did i learn from tiktok is... NO one is ever TOO busy 😉 if he/she is uninterested. it shows. 🙊



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