
chloe phoebe asher choo

Ask @bitesizemonster

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i dont get it why some ppl dont touch vegan food! still food what! must have meat then can eat meh! >.<


hi babe, is the hair dye still avail to order? your hair looks really soft, what do u use to maintain it?


Hey Chloe!! When will the next HL talkshow be? Can do more regularly? Thanks! Btw I can't seem to find the light hydrating lotion :( is it not on sale

It is on sale!!

Helllllooooo. There's not so small black dots (noticable)on my left cheek and it has been there for more than a month! I doubt it's blackheads. These idiot black stuff kind of pops out and the surrounding is red. It's like pimple that's ready to burst but it's black at the top,do u know what's tht?

Clogged pores?? Idk?? Try using salt as a scrub

hi babe i'm planning to get myself a tattoo and wondering how's the pain level like? let's say i wanna get it on my flabby arm area. how much would it hurt? thanks btw :)

Depends on Individual pain threshold

hello!!! yesterday marks the anniversary of my 2nd month of being a vegetarian. i am not trying to show off or what just that i do not have anybody to talk abt it to because everyone was against the idea of me being a vegetarian. :( BUT WHO CARES MAN AT LEAST I WONT BE HURTING INNOCENT ANIMALS!!!

Very proud of you!! Good job!!

HI CHLOE! :D Can I know when you modelled this >https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1510952_10151830151390965_542548031_n.jpg was it too long or short for you? I'm around your height and worried it might be too short for me! THANKYOU!!

Can't rmb!! So Long ago


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