
chloe phoebe asher choo

Ask @bitesizemonster

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Your face is smaller compared to last time! How do u achieve that?(:

Only my face? I think it's just I lost it altogether

have you made your mom cry before cause you were rebellious when younger?

Yah hahahaha cos I was like you see lahhhhh choose saint Anthony's for me. I don't want to go to that sch. But when I was younger she will cry when she canes me too hahahaha

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Hey chloe! Have you work in topshop before? How to apply if interested to work? Call them or walk in interview / online apply? Thanks!!!!

Yah I have. Shit job......

urgh cant stand RW's face. looks like some china woman.

As long as she's happy....why do you bother yourself with so much hate??

on anticlockwisesg's instagram, you and RW are wearing the same top but in diifferent colours :O same same but different

and your point is??

hi chloe, im in a school and course that i hate and all i want now is to enter NAFA but i didnt thought of it a year ago. idk what to do now, i hate studying because of my school and course. any advice?

Things happen for a reason

Do u mind that Alex ain't a virgin

Everyone has a past. A phase, a scar, a bruises. If you can't accept that, my god are you flawless??
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would you be rather be with friends with someone who is a dog lover and all about standing up for animal rights yet somehow he/she has a bad attitude towards his/her friends eg: gossip/backstab and whatnot or friends with someone who hates animals but has a nice character?


What do u think of girls having their pants hiked up so high u can see their v

KEEP THAT GIRL. just keep that.

hi chloe! you recomended the product to remove tiny little bumps, are those bumps you refering to those small oil bumps?


Hi kind Chloe who knows a lot about skin! I have these patches of redness, bumpy/pimplish skin. Is it because my facial skin lacks moisture?? :-(

Clogged pores I guess. Try drinking lots of water to start with


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