
chloe phoebe asher choo

Ask @bitesizemonster

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Hi chloe! :) Do you have any tips for eye lashes? Like how do you make them last and stuff like that

Last?? Like masacara?? Or eyelash extensions?

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ur pictures are kinda blurry, just suggesting, shouldn't u use like a proper camera for better quality pics since u r paid to do this? no offense intended!!

Still researching for a good camera to invest in

Hiiii. You're so adorable! <3 LOVE YOU MAN. PS. I'm a girl(not a les, saying just in case you get freaked out)

Haha shank kewz. No lah won't get freaked out

how will u react if ur boyfriend jokes abt u being fat most of the time?

Hahaha Alex does what just laugh luh. Then say he's fat too

Chloe, is the oxford cut out dress too short for you? i'm around your height hehe.

Nope not too short. But just make sure you don't jump or anything

How do you maintain your hair? It's so prettty!!

My hair?! So pretty?! OMG I Kinda hate my hair just that I'm too lazy to do anything about it

your blog feels more like an advertising site than a personal blog....

Already said sorry for all the advertorials right.

Did you travel overseas with your bf alone before? Or never?

We travelled the 7 wonders of the world alr

Is your bf temper bad esp during quarreling and say super harsh words to you? If it is, how do u overcome it or face it or What did u do?

Hahaha used to but stop alr!! What I did was just keep quiet luh. Or my best move is to walk away HAHAHAHA. Now I just hang up. Got swag one horrrrrr hahahha no lah now we just talk things out

Hello Chloe! Can I ask, is the black basic sandals from wardrobemess's newest collection comfortable to wear and walk in? :)

Yeahhhh super comfortBle


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