
chloe phoebe asher choo

Ask @bitesizemonster

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do you actually do smth about ur eyebags or just cover it with makeup? since u mentioned about getting lil sleep.

hahahhaha not anymore. have been falling asleep earlier nowadays

why dont you answer question in instagram but you can reply some comment that you dont like (even if it just funny post)

not that. i don't get to see all the notifications because instagram will only show the latest few. so if it doesn't pop up in my tag or if I'm not quick enough to see the notification, i won't even know the questions exist until i go back to the pics in which, you can't expect me to scroll through my whole profile everyday right. and, i live only to meet my own expectations yah.

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please please answer me. what is the best option between birth control pill or condom. thanks

how'd the hell I know. ask your mum. that's what she's there for.

I know you try so hard to be different & to make you standout from other. But seriously you look better back then. Sigh. So sad I guess we will never see you in your natural form anymore :(

forever natural. sigh you're so stuck in the past.

i remember you said that you are from a creativity family, have creative mind and be original and such. it's so dissapionting when you have to use god to help you seeking for attention. i'm sure you can creat some ideas without depending on god. you are better that this. i'm sure you can :)

mad. "god" is but a subject to me.

dear chloe please answer this.. do you know any sites that sell durable black basic bags that are chic enough for school and play?

dear you, what kind of bags are you looking for? i think i have more than enough advertorials for you to find the bag you're looking for so, may the odds be with you.

hihi chloe, any idea how to treat oily skin?

yuh-uh!! first, don't be afraid to load up on your hydration.

Do people stare at you when you do outdoor shoots? How do you deal with it?

they deal with me. why do i need to deal with them?

Why do I think Naomi is copying your style? :( Don't get me wrong, I like you and I consider you as my favourite blogger.. I just dislike that people are trying to copy your styles because you're YOU and you're original, one of a kind and anyone who tries to be you is just...... you know, ew? :/ - J

not the first~ should I charge her for plagiarism? i think i should hahahaha i have nothing but contempt for her. really.
Liked by: Szes F 엘리샤

Where have you been lately? You haven't post about hanging out with friends like before. I miss old version of Chloe.


Hi chloe what do u think about all the "u look like *insert korean idol names*" comments? Just curious cause some ppl hates such comments while some love it ^_^

no particular thoughts.....

Chole i loveee your innocent look! Can you be like that forever please. But doesnt mean you are not good in the present. Hahaha. Just fall in live with your cuteness!

C H L O E . I'm still cute hahahahaah

are you getting maried with alex!? whe will the house finish. so excite for you guys. i looooove you bot. congrats!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAAHAHHAHAHA this made both of us laugh super loudly at 2am....
thanky out or loving us but where did you gather that from?
Liked by: Siitin

Seeing you post old photos remind me the time I start follow you. Your are the cutest blogger back then <3

yerp thanks

Awwww Chloe you are so pretty and lovely in old photo. I like you with dark long hair soooooo adorable

other side of the grass is always greener


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