
chloe phoebe asher choo

Ask @bitesizemonster

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hey chloe, you worked at frolick before yes! what do you have to do when working at yoghurt shops?(: the job scope thankyou!!!!

Clean counter, swirl yoghurt, serve customers, count cash, top up topping

I think if I'm an outsider watching us I'll take a bat and hit us hahahahaha -- I like this LoLoL!!!

Hahaha yeaaaa

Why your 13 jan post about the hair dye say it's from USA then the quite not long ago one say it's from Italy. Lol so it's from where?

It's different batchhhhh

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how are you fat you're almost anorexic and your face really slimmed down a lot! youre so cute when you roll your eyes hahaha!

Anorexic no lahhhh i wishhhhh. Haha thankyou

Babe is it okay if you list down the brand/type/name of the makeups you used for the Vainpot 101 vid? Do replyyy xiexie. Xo

It's the same make up products as those I listed in a blogpost a few scrolls away from that video on my blog{:

Which salon do you go to cut your hair? PLS ANSWER >< Ty!!!

I don't go to any salons I cut my own hair

Hi Chloe! I bought the Toscowoong facial brush you recommended. The brush really v soft!! But is it waterproof? Cause my brush always end up super wet after using :( Scared that it'll spoil. Thank you!

Yeah it's ok if it's wet so no worries{: I ran it under the water everytime

I think u look like the owner of chic cottage when her hair was black . same eye same face shape even the lips !

Is it.... Hokayyyyy {: I've never seen her before

Next time ask marked down Sunday not to give you that type of make up..............

Marked down market. Where the Sunday come out from? Hahaha yes bossssss.....

you and ur bf super sweet omg!!! cheesy!! haahha

Hahahaha yeah we super cheesy sometimes I think if I'm an outsider watching us I'll take a bat and hit us hahahahaha

Thank you for the couple vid!!!! It made me smile, you two are too cute together. Please last long! :*)

Thank you!! you're too kind. {:

You so Teh when talking to your bf. guess all girls are like that ahaha

Teh meh? He don't think it's teh enough hahaha

What would you do if you feel lonely ?

Find things to do luh. I have my dogs, have my parrot, have a tv, have a laptop, have a phone.... So many things to do where got time to feel lonely haha. Sometimes alone time is gooooood!!

How do you decide if a guy is worth waiting for or worth spending a lifetime tgt with ?

Not something for me to out a definitive finger on because to each it's own. Moreover we are all still so young to really decide but undoubtedly we will try to our best ability to keep this relationship as far as it can get.

is Brazilian waxing painful? :/ do you feel weird showing naked infront of the beautifican?

First few times. After that ok. At first... not weird... More self conscious but the waxers I do my waxing with are all very nice and they make the sessions really comfortable

What's Alex horoscope? Yours is a Sagi right? ;) do u believe in horoscope compatibility? Hehe

Yup I believe!! He is a Scorpio~

OMG you and Alex are so cute together in the video!! I died laughing! You guys are so humorous. Last long!!! <3 <3

Hahaha thank you!!{: we appreciate your humor as well!!{:


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