
chloe phoebe asher choo

Ask @bitesizemonster

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is the girl you shot advert with your best friend or smth?? haha. or new friend? :) just curious ~

long lost sister

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Do you prefer Yarok or Original and Minerals? I need something to make my hair shiny and I'm not sure which one to get. Thank you so much Chloe! :)

Shiny then use original and minerals. cos yarok is just cos I really like the hint of tea tree.

Hey Chloe what name is your black nikes? Free run or? :) where did u buy them? I've been looking for them. Please tell me thank you !!

Got them from my aunt. Sold out when I wanted to buy it so she gave me hers. So impossible for you to find a brand new one in stores now

-c- since last week till now we have met twice. but they just brush it off and make it like there's nothing. do u think i should carry on as friends with them? after all since its not a normal occasion. it might sound childish but i feel so upset

Understand how you feel. But growing up, I have learnt to not depend on anyone to affect me emotionally, mentally and physically if I don't want them to regardless of their importance in my life. If they have clearly shown that they don't give two hoots then why should you be giving them the fucks on how they treat you?? Just brush them off then. You don't need friends like that. you need friends who will be there for you good and bad.

What's the purpose of you doing that shoot with Alex?

oh the purpose? just so you can ask me this and I can answer you.
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Can you please google: Runway Bandits Kolly Chambray Crop Top?? its that top but i saw you modelling that. i cant find the one you're modelling the top in though.. please help :(

I didn't!

Chloe! Love your pictures with Alex, it is so artistic! Ive been wanting to take pictures like that with my boyfriend but how do you talk to your parents regarding this matter? :(

Thanks a bunch!!
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Wtf Chloe... Those photos with Alex. Srsly.

Wow That's Fantastic I assume... I know!!!!!! We are dead serious yeah, srs. with the missing "eiou" ( just for your easier understanding {: ) on getting some wicked quality shots done.
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your latest blog entry is awesome. this is what i call art. :)

Thanks!! This is what I call being in the same frequency.
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ur parents accept that u have had sexual relationship w alex before marriage?

I'm happy for your parents for bringing up a conservative good girl. Hen hao

Do you know your bf left his ex for another girl? If you didn't I thought you should know. Hopefully everything is fine. & sorry to sound presumptuous, being a stranger and telling you this.

Do you know who you're talking to?

Do you think it is redundant to write notes for exams?

Do what you need to. Not based on what I think. Your exams, not mine. If you think it's redundant, then don't. do sth that helps yourself for your exam.

Do you mind abit that Alex smokes?

Didn't use to mind until recently when I make more effort to kiss him more. HAHA so smelly and such a waste of money

I think youre really open minded? yes, no? if i knew the guy wasnt a virgin i wouldnt accept him as a boyfriend..

I'm sorry, i'm not as angelic and flawless like you. I hope you find a decent, normal, handsome, capable and VIRGIN-certified guy. {: * Best wishes to you and mr Virgin!! *

why's everyone so worked up? it's her boyfriend and her business anyway..... why should you guys care?

can't be more apt..


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