
chloe phoebe asher choo

Ask @bitesizemonster

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Hello. What foundation do you recommend?

If you want lightweight and light coverage you can try laneign. If you want coverage try stilla maybe

Rachel is such a ass spreading shit about you. I happen to hang out with her friends today through my friends and I heard from them she told them you slept with a lot of guys and you're a slut. I was so angry after hearing this!!!!

Kidding me? Alex's my second bf. I don't club. Don't drink. I don't even give boys my number on the street. Where to find boys to sleep around with? Ask her to name out all of the boys with picture since she "knows so much" about me. Anw, heaven has eyes.

Why you not sharing the poser name? Since u said its not true she posing u and u find her ok, we can see and support your answer so that "poser" won't be wrongly accuse

Why do I have to put somebody in jeopardy and judgement even if i know who she is or not?

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Trying so hard to be one of those popular bloggers. Pathetic

Yah lah yah lah. You super heroic and honourable and amazing and wow. You happy like that, keyboard warrior?

Obviously I know how go spell bitch. LOL. Don't be stupid Chloe and try to act like a smart ass. We all know what I mean when I say "blogger"

Alright then. Good for you. Hope you achieve something by knowing how to spell bitch. Honestly, I don't. What the hell does "blogger" means? It means someone who blogs, no? Then what does shit means? Does it mean a excretia shit like human waste or did I just meant it as a word to describe you?

hi chloe, where you got that silver pouch you put your makeups in? :)

Hnm but don't think they carrying it anymore

sorry if i've made it seem like everyone prefers Lasalle! Because I chose to be in NAFA too. :) I have a lot of friends and schoolmates couldn't understand why I would choose NAFA (appearance wise and all) yup yup. It's nice to know that I'm not alone!

Wheeeeeee!! High fivereeerrrrrr

why do u seem so unfriendly in ur answer?

Cos you don't get to hear my tone when you read this. And I prefer not to feign false sweetness over the screen. It's a rather cold and unsentimental place to be all friendly and stuff. I prefer the human touch to things

are you selling the top you pair with the burgundy jumper?

Neopeeee. I accidentally washed it with another coloured piece and it got ruined. It's pink now. I'm sad

you call yourself a blogger? you're just a blogshop model that become pretty known. so you're a bs model, not blogger. stop trying to be like rachel you disgusting bij

Anyone who has a blog is a blogger. Just like anyone who goes to school is a fucking student whether you're an a star student or a f9 student. You must be an f9 I'm guessing. Don't even know how to spell bitch the correct way. And it's becAme not become.

Will you be thr at far eaaaast tmrrrrrr ? ^^

Nopeeee!! I'll be at bitesizemonster the waffle store


Language: English