
chloe phoebe asher choo

Ask @bitesizemonster

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Hello! I think your pics look awesome with the new ring light! And also you're really pretty :)

thank youuuuu!!!

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What does your tatto say? And mean?

don't let them silence you... maybe i'll do a blog post one of these days on my tattoos?

may i specifically know which shu uemura eyeliner(for oily lids) are you talking about? Thank you!

gel liner

whr is the grey top that you wore for this most recent advertorial tgt with Club Sunglass in Silver? :) thanks!!

f21 but i got it like last century ago

One of the question you stated in the blog: Do i have to undergo bleaching? Your answer is: I have NEVER undergone bleaching and the colour turned out great for me. SO obviously from your answer, we will assume that we dont have to undergo bleaching to get the colour.

You know the dyes sold outside by revlon and loreal and those cosmetic brands contains ammonia and that substance is responsible for allowing the hair to absorb the dye? Don't know? Now you do. I've never went for bleaching but my hair was brown from the revlon dye before I used my red dye. Hence, the colour turned out great. Have I ever mentioned that my hair was virgin black hair
before the red dye? No. Did I ever hide the fact that my hair was brown from the previous dying? No. You can scroll through my fs to get the confirmation.

Yup natural black hair.

As stated in my blog, there's no bleach content in the dye, obviously the hair can't eat the dye unless you have brown hair... The dye may be absorbed in by your hair and the colour will show

Please do a video on things about you like your likes and dislikes etc! Would love to see more of your videos :-)

Ok can!! When I have the time k

hello! can you do a tutorial about your hair in the photos which you wore the oversize batman pullover? hehehe you're beautiful.

it's just a bun... how to do tutorial?

so if my hair is black, and i use the red dye that you sell. will my hair have the effect?

virgin black hair?

Hi chloe. From what i see from your videos, you seems like a nice girl. But via those answers you answer quite rudely.. Are you rude to people that are not friends to you or because they are being rude so you dont give a damn too?

do unto others what you want other to do unto you... same goes for the people who bombard me with stupid comments

Yes, am a vegan. I don't mean to be offensive and I'm sorry if I appear to be. It is awesome what you're doing, spreading animal cruelty. Just thought you might consider going vegan since you love animals so much.

trying...but i like eggs and milk

No, not trying to help defend u but at least you're doing a part for the animals, be it a little only. If the person's a vegan, then i respect. If not, why make noise? im a vegetarian too and i am proud of u doing that even if i don't know u

Thank you

My argument is that you still do eat them no matter how little you claim you do. It is still cruel be it seafood or chicken or any other meat based products. Just a tad contradictory to your love for animals is all. Just saying. Don't have to get so defensive. Peace.

Are a vegan?


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