
chloe phoebe asher choo

Ask @bitesizemonster

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do you know how much is nafa/lasalle school fee per year?

not quite sure hahaha i'm not the one paying

how to lose weight ? I want to be skinny like you hahahaha

Like me?! Hahahaha im
Trying to lose weight as well

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Ohgoshh so so true.. You just waked me up a little with me caught in the mess.! do you have any words or sentence for me to get through this? It wld help me a lot because I will be putting it on my wallpaper to remind me everyday to let go of him and all of this. And start appreciating myself a lil

That's good!! Yeap mind over matter!! Think you can get over him then you can get over him.

Share leh u can enter nafa tat good whut

Nafa no need any cut off point one. You get 10 also can apply. Get 30 also can apply.

I can be rationale ): If I don't give him up I think it'll only cause more sadness in me and lower my self worth he makes me feel like im dust already . Really sad. Thankss x

short pain now vs long pain plus the pain you'll feel when you decide to walk away in future. NO TIME TO WASTE ON BOYS LIKE THAT SISTA.

appreciate your reply.! But.. I don't see any one else wanting to appreciate me at this moment. So I holding on to him, I know I should have long given up its been for a year. I just don't know how to let him go I'm used to being used by him and let him affect my mood. You are right Chloe :( I wish


Why black? :)

i like black hair {: but if you wanna go for brown then go ahead!! whichever you're comfortable in {:

chloe, SMILE! Don't be affected by haters. :) Readers who love you want s to see you smile!

smiling alwaysssss!! thank you {:

haha how many more advs r u going to post. they are nice but i like your normal blogging better


her voice teh or not you care so much for? god made her this way. you comment so much, you tell god la. talk cock sia this hater.


of course poser is okay when she wants to get on your good book hahahahahahaha

ok.... are you her hater?? I'm rather neutral about everyone

(Cont) really don't know what to do.. Don't know of I'm just being silly or what. Always waiting for his messages, whenever he needs me I'll be there instantly, but he mostly doesn't and prioritize other things first. Thanks for hearing me out (: you can just post this part of ques n reply here.!

GIVE UP. obviously he isn't worth your time and you so why waste it on someone who doesn't appreciate you when maybe someone else is out there wanting to get this chance to appreciate you? TAKES TWO TO TANGO.

(Cont') moment he makes me feel like thrash. I don't know why he always makes me feel like I'm something then afterwhich stop texting or forgets to reply me back&don't even bother about it. He's pretty much hot and cold I guess. And I feel so useless because I always let him affect my mood.


What to do when I like this guy and I started to convo and he has been texting me here and there, but sometimes afterwhich he would forget to reply me. I'm so tired of always being the one initiating, but I can't help it :( Idk if I shld give up on him.. He makes me feel happy one moment another


Me like to red your blog, especially advertorial because your photos are so niceeeee!!

wheeeeee thank you!!

But she sure receive it as it was send thru what's app. :(

oh. like that..... thennnnn nvm luh. i geuss just let it slip.....{:

these anons criticizing your voice/makeup really make my day cause they are so ridiculous! they just sound so jealous that they are not you HAHAHA jealous bitches to the left

it's hooookay. nobody can please everyone


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