
chloe phoebe asher choo

Ask @bitesizemonster

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hi Chloe. You so pretty but did you went for a nose job... Your face looks fake


I like how you are true and "real" even though you sounds like a bitch sometimes on ask. But yeah man, you go girl!

Hahahahahaha yeah I can get quite snappy. Sort!! But thanks for liking me for me

If it's possible from you, I would love to see frequent posts on your ootds everyday. Like maybe you can take your ootd everyday then post at the end of each week? I know your style is pretty... basic. But yeah, i'm a basic kinda girl too and need more ideas!!! :D

Ok I can try cos nowadays I'm always rushing here and there so yeahhhh always slip my mind

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You mean lana del rey young and beautiful? Will you still love me hahhaahahhaha

Yeappppp. Same lah

Hahaha! Actually is because I keep thinking of you helping me doing advertorial for my blogshop but currently still in the midst of saving money for it. Maybe I keep thinking that's why even my dream is all about you and advertorial LOL :)

Oh hahahahahaha that's super cute!! Ok will be looking forward to receiving your email!!{:

hello Chloe, which hotel did you stay when you went HK last time? (:

Hyatt I think. Can't really rmb!!

hi chloeee just wanted to say i love your videos! i keep rewatching all of em! make moreeee? ^^

Thank you!!!! Very nice of you just don't ever get bored of me please

This is crazy but I dreamt about you last night. You were like doing advertorial for me lollllls creepy

HAHAHAHAHHA OMG HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA laughing in the bus now. Sorry I must've haunt you too much with my advertorials.

Hello chloe! where did u get the white tee you wore on the first day of your bkk trip? :)


omg you're so down to earth! you were like do one video jin ma huan ah hahahaha so cute

hahaha truth. shanks!

[giant] - is there anyone you will spare ? or you just walk all around and those who happen to be under ur feet too bad for them?

Ok lah if I'm the giant i won't want to live with small people around my feet. That's like me living with ants around my feet now. So nope I don't want to but if I have to choose then ill just wriggle my toes and never lift my feet so I won't crush anyone. Maybe the country's govt should hire me to like squash those who are rapists and murderers.

Will u be selling your bkk loots? Haha love your style! ;)



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