
Laci Green

Ask @thelacepaste

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I don't know if what you are doing is the best, I am skeptic, I am agender, I live and work in a place where there is no way I can keep myself in a bubble, I have tried to teach with love, listen to the other side all resulted in violence, BUT hasn't been done publicly before, I hope you succeed.

i'm really sorry to hear that babe. and i hope you're okay. my bar is low in terms of expectations, and maybe that's why i'm ok with it. the only thing i'm trying to succeed at is deeper understanding. i don't expect to agree or "convert" anyone, though i do hope to promote a more humanized and civil discussion about these things. i'm not assuming the role of a missionary, but of a student. i want to understand people and ideas very different than my own, and in doing so hope to improve and understand my beliefs and my communication about them a little better.

If words you speak don't lead to violence then I guess it's okay to verbally abuse children or your partner. So you see how your statement that words are harmless unless it leads to violence was silly and ignorant? Or can you clarify?

i think you should rewatch the first vid bc i was pretty clear about this. i have never said words are harmless. i have said non-violent political speech is not harmful. offensive sure. bigoted even. but it is not the same as verbally abusing a loved one. i wish people would stop conflating these two things. it minimizes the egregiousness of verbal abuse by framing offensive ideas as the same thing, and in doing so implies that censorship is the solution.

rlly trying 2 support u bc u helped me tons w/ sex-ed, but abt ur last tweet, is asking antifems 2 link harmful material that could b used 2 spread bigotry a good idea? maybe there is a better way 2 find alt perspectives, like asking antifems u know personally, instead of creating a bigotry platform

i appreciate you being patient. i'm trying to listen to their perspectives, and reading about their ideas is the most direct way to do that. i'm reaallllly tired of people arguing that this sort of thing is "spreading bigotry" and "giving it a platform". that talking to people, any sort of engagement is some kind of act of oppression. it's just nonsense on the surface, especially in this context where i've simply asked people to send materials. how is listening to people spreading bigotry? how sway? seriously. censorship of ideas doesn't promote social justice. a preliminary look at history is pretty clear about that. ayyy.

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And "bastardising identity politics", could you give an example? For instance, is, on balance, overall supporting the aims of Black Lives Matter a breach of identity politics? What about calling out sexism in the video game and movie industries?

JonMilne’s Profile PhotoJon Milne
no, that's not what i'm referring to. i support both those things. im gonna do a video exploring it, it'll probably be the one after my gender one next week. it's too complex for a few sentences.

I am an atheist because of YouTube videos. I am nostalgic about the existence of the YouTube atheist community. Do you also miss the existence of the YouTube atheist community?

cliftonmays’s Profile PhotoClifton Mays
i do miss it. but i think a big part of why i miss it is because the youtube conversation felt smaller and more manageable then lol. i like politics a little more than philosophy personally. you can only debate a creationist so long before hitting a wall, whereas social politics have more layers, and the people representing various opinions are a little more open minded....maybe.... :P

You are /so/ much more than this, but make no mistake -- the reason these antis are so nice to you, and welcomed you into their circle. . is because you're a "pretty white girl". They would not be so welcoming or open to any kind of dialogue if you were a WOC. 8/

your identity politics are falling flat here. there are plenty of women of color who are embraced by the anti-feminist conversation. ayaan hirsi ali, josephine mathias, antonia akafor, and roaming millenial to name just a few.

Why do people on the left defend Islam so much?

i think because muslims are targeted for their faith, which is against liberal values. but then they go too far, and extend that protection of a marginalized group to defend an ideology as a whole, which is whack as hell in my book. i'm not a fan of abrahamic religion, period. if you wanna gripe about patriarchy, that's literally it. it makes no sense lol.

Why does Jordan B. Peterson seem like a prick dude? can you answer after hearing his opinions? he doesn't go out of his way to misgender, he only has issue with it being illegal, or anything written into the law on how you need to speak, because he has research on totalitarianism, communism & gulags

i will certainly talk to him if he initiates in a different manner. it's not a good faith gesture to first approach me by condescending to me and making moralizing accusations that aren't entirely true. bad look, and i don't like it from either side of the fence. that's why i'm not engaging with some of the feminist types either, like lindsey. i am selecting who to engage with based on their ability to hold a civil exchange of ideas. no talking down to each other, no false accusations, no disrespectful discourse. that's my style, and i'm stickin to it.

Just wanted to tell you how absolutely proud of you I am. I got 'red-pilled' about a year ago & have since felt depressed cuz I'm automatically labelled as anti-feminist, etc., so seeing a large community figure such as yourself be so straightforward with their opinions is literally making me cry rn

*hugs* it's okay to have your own beliefs and opinions. its sad that things have come to this.

Wouldn't it be disingenuous, to do things like pressure urban outfitters to not steal from native artists while letting your Caucasian friend rock an Afro? Like, I'm not talking about being totally bitchy about it. But I would hope that my friends would tell me if I were ever culturally insensitive

RinBVB’s Profile PhotoRin Johnson
i don't think so. i'm not convinced it's productive to tell people what to do with their hair, unless they're "dressing up" as a race like a racist idiot.

I'm genuinely looking forward to finding out how you think we can change thinks like cultural appropriation and such systematically without doing it on an individual basis Laci :)

it's not that complicated. for instance, you prioritize time and resources to pressure urban outfitters to stop stealing from native artists rather than lecture every stranger you see in their clothes

I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone ask you this yet... What did you think of Wonder Woman?

i haven't seen it! i actually don't generally enjoy superhero movies. noh8
Liked by: Granny Spoth

have you seen how angry some people are (marinashutup and riley j dennis) over u trying to interact/discuss with TERFS? like i get terfs can be extreme but its still a sizable faction of feminism, and if its possible to have civil discourse why not.

lol yeah. just look at some of the questions below. i'm trying to understand where radical feminism crosses into terf territory, why that happens, and whether or not those who go out of their way to misgender can be reasoned with.


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