
Laci Green

Ask @thelacepaste

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I don't know if I can have sex. I mean I want to, but past trauma has made it to where my body just seems to shake uncontrollably whenever I'm in a sexual situation. I've talked to therapist before but they were no use. Any advice?

:( i'm sad to hear you're going through that. my advice is to find a better therapist who has experience with sexual trauma. there are a lot of shit therapists out there.

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I often tried to explain feminist concepts to anti-feminists but they didn't even bother listening to me. Instead they just made fun of me and kept repeating the same lines like "feminism is cancer". This is why I stopped engaging with them. They didn't actually give a shit about what I have to say.

closed mindedness definitely goes both ways.

Liberal feminist here. I just wanted to let you know that there are people on this side who support the dialogues you are trying to make. I don’t care who you date. I just ask you to not give up on liberalism or feminism due to the bullying of fellow feminists.

thanks mdear. rest assured that i am more interested in the merits of ideas than the merits/behavior of people in this conversation.

Have you ever attended a Slutwalk? What do you think of it? It's supposed to help end rape culture and slut shaming as a justification for rape.

no i haven't. but i support its overall anti slut shaming/anti victim blaming message. i don't personally get into the "reclaiming sluttiness" stuff though. to me slut will always be a degrading term. nothing to reclaim.

If Buzzfeed is cancerous how is Steven Crowder not? How is Sargon not? Sure buzzfeed publishes a lot of shit but it also publishes actual stories occasionally. Why dismiss it as cancerous while acting like people who make a living spreading lies are worth talking to?

i never said they weren't cancerous. i'd talk to buzzfeed too, if buzzfeed were a person.

Can you give us any clues/specifics on who you may be collabing with and/or debating in the near future? Btw, I've seen the shitstorm that has been hurdled in your direction these past few days, at least on twitter, and wanna say hope you're doing better. Kudos!

thanks beb! i'm still figuring out the collab who/what/when. there's a long list. confirmed though is dave rubin, steven crowder, and yasmine mohammed. i have spoken privately with lauren southern, andy warski, TJ, and sargon but don't know if we will collaborate. christina sommers also interests me. and i also hope to speak with some radical feminists, perhaps meghan murphy and/or magdalen berns.

do u have any advice on coming from a religious family + dealing w/ realizing you're not straight. internalized homophobia. on one hand i feel like i'm going to hell and on the other hand i don't even believe in hell or god. i go back and forth in my mind and i am so so so lost.

hoboy can i relate. give it time babe, and be kind to yourself in the process. working through who you are and what you believe are huge ass questions. it's okay to feel a little lost sometimes, that's part of the journey. my advice: find a friend or two who you can talk through your thoughts with, ideally someone else who can relate on some level. id work on identifying what you need right now, and where your discomforts/dissonances are specifically. a big chunk of the pain for me was leaving the community i'd found in mormonism, and after a bit of searching it was amazing when i found another place to call home. maybe that's your local queer community, or even one online, or a place that's more accepting of your beliefs (for me, unitarian universalists offered a safe retreat). these can be positive spaces to explore and learn. for me it also helped to vlog and blog about it. therapy never hurts either if that's an option for you. hang in there! lots of people come out on the other end of this stronger and healthier for it, and you will too. x

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I noticed in the replies to your megathread that you're mostly getting "manosphere" content. I think the reason is because the term "anti-fem' means something more specific to many ppl than what you probably meant by it. IDK what word to use either but anti-feminist doesnt quite hit the mark IMO

i knowwww. i'm not sure what word to use tho! HALP

Hey Laci, for pride month I was thinking of putting a persuasive speech on YouTube about transgender people and their right to choosing the appropriate restroom for them. Is it cool if I use your video on sexual objectification as a source?

go for it.


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