
Laci Green

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Just wanted to say fuck everyday feminism cause they'll no longer post your great work.They were pressured & wilted by the false accusations made abt you yesterday. I never really liked them but it's sad that they bent to extremists. Actually,I'm not too surprised.They've been getting more extreme

lmao really!? amazing. ive always taken issue with the blatantly anti-science stuff they post, and to a lesser extent their condescending tone. can you send me a link?

If you like Horror films, have you seen Raw? It was showing in LA for a bit. I'll try to sell it in three words. French. Feminist. Cannibals.

Barca1793’s Profile PhotoJack Yeager
sold! that sounds fucking rad ?
Liked by: ratcan EJRI

Hi Laci! Im 19 yrs old and really haven't been in a relationship. For the longest time I've attributed this to low confidence due to being overweight, but even after losing weight recently I still have trouble connecting w/ people. Any advice for how I can improve my situation? Love ur stuff btw

it depends on what in particular is challenging you in building those connections. in general though, conversation is where it starts and practice makes perfect.
Liked by: Brandon

First, I appreciate you especially because of your background as an "ex-mormon" so to speak; I have a similar background with them. In highschool I kept my sex life secret from my family, but now I'm planning on moving in with a boy (scandalous!) for my sophomore year. Any idea on how to tell them?

Holly Carter
it depends on your folks. when i told my parents i just sort of bluntly stated that we were gonna live together. they were upset at first but i reminded them i'm an adult, n i pay my own bills, so....my choice. they got over it faster than i expected.
Liked by: MrBanksIsSaved

Hello I just wanted to say you and Chris possibly being a thing makes me really happy, progress is made through understanding and discussion and you two getting along proves discourse is never impossible. I hope more people like you can start popping up and can restore feminism to its former glory.

❤️ thanks beb. i'm not gonna hold my breath. but i'd also love a future with less polarization and more level headed discussion.

I just want to say that as a Feminist, I am 100% support you and it is make me sad about all the backlash you got for speaking out. Hope you handling it well. Much love <3

thanks babe. i'll be alright.
Liked by: JL jon random

The situation tht happened to U on twitter last night,got me feeling really depressed.I know you're a strong woman.But can't help feeling sad.You don't deserve this hate & slander.I'll always love & support you. To cheer up,I'm going to drink tea w/pocky & watch bob's burgers. Have a great day ❤

thanks beb. i appreciate it ❤️
Liked by: jon random

Are you pursuing your doctorate at UC Berkeley? If so, I'm starting my 1st year of undergrad there this fall so I might run into you. Go bears.

no, but i did go there for undergrad. enjoy the cal magic! ?

Hey Lacy I'm a feminist too and I loved your last videos. There are lots of bad, crazy feminist ideas out there but I'm afraid of calling them out bc I don't wanna contribute to all the hate feminism receives. I also feel like I cannot criticize it bc if I do i'm suddenly a shitlord. (1/2)

LORD do i feel that. i can't fault you. stayed quiet myself for a long time. but the way i see it, the witch hunts and censorship and labeling everyone a nazi is actively hurting the causes feminists fight for. like, fucking destroying it. so the silence is more harmful to feminism at this point IMO. my main beef with it comes from the sex ed world. to me, caring about it means speaking up about toxicity within, even though that toxicity will likely turn itself on you. if you do decide to say something: my advice is to be as patient and self aware as you can. stay true to yourself, know what you stand for and who you are, and don't let others bully you into silence on either side. you have a right to your voice and your opinion, always. feminists are allowed to disagree with each other. it doesn't automatically make you and [insert bigotry here]. and of course, remember we are all learning in this process, which means being open to admitting fault if you realize you've caused harm or made a mistake. email me if you need anything babe.

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Favorite horror movie? Mine is the exorcist. Saw it when I around 8 yrs old. Still creeps me out

classic! my favorites are rosemary's baby and the shining. i also love psycho and the bates motel series. so guuuuudddd
Liked by: Cori Cryptic

What advice would you have for a teen whose parents refused to let them get any help for things like anxiety and depression?

refused? that's awful. don't let them stop you from getting support babe. talk to a counselor at school or do some googling online to find what you need. i hope you've got a close friend or two that can support you too.

What are your thoughts on circumcision, do you believe it is a practice that should be continued, or do you think it should be left to individuals over the age of 18?

i am anti circumcision and have several vids on it. i don't think doctors should be cutting off a pleasurable part of an infants penis without consent and/or medical necessity.

I always wondered what people who use the "my body my choice" argument for abortion would would say if a woman(in a very unrealistic hypothetical situation)wanted to terminate the pregnancy a day before the due date. Since its her body is it still her choice in ur mind? Or do u not use that argument

DirtyT_J’s Profile PhotoDirtyT_J
i've never really heard this argument made, and it's illegal. the age of viability is the cap in the USA, it refers to when a fetus could survive on its own outside the womb without the mother's body. to me (and the courts), the age of viability is the point when a fetus becomes its own entity and not an extension of her body.


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