
Laci Green

Ask @thelacepaste

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Innocent tweet asking 4 fav. trans/nb youtuber caused a shit show.Constant subtweeting by people like kat & riley,is so infuriating.They make ridiculous assumptions abt UR motives & make false accusations w/o evidence.My patience has run dry & will no longer support them.I got your back Laci?

thanks beb. lord they're exhausting.

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What's your opinion about white people using the n-word? Would it make you feel uncomfortable if a white friend said it & what would you do/say to them about it? What did you think about the bill maher situation and the discussion he had with ice cube?

people can say whatever words they want. but i think it should be pretty obvious by now to any reasonable human that using the n word is a racially charged and shitty thing to do. it's just not necessary in any context i can think of, other than to flip the bird at the perceived elitism of PC culture or to poc. there's this element of "HEE HEE I SAID IT!" wow how edgy. it's idiotic. this is one of the backlash effects of pc language in general unfortunately. the n word is one of my personal hard lines because it is extremely loaded historically and degrading. just an ugly word all round. i have had friends who used it and we've talked about it. some stopped using it.
i havent seen the maher segment.

do you believe pro lifers are entitled to their opinions even if you may disagree?

entitled to their opinions, yes. but i don't believe they're entitled to harass women on the way to the health clinic or to threaten their physical safety. i don't think they're entitled to enforce their opinions on others by making reproductive health care more expensive or less accessible for women. bombing clinics and killing doctors are solidly off limits too. ?

Why do so many people that consider the sexual revolution/liberation to be a great thing, have a problem with pick-up artists?

because puas aren't promoting sexual liberation, they're promoting a social environment where it's encouraged to be predatory and deceptive. and hey, using cheap tricks like negging might screw with someone enough to get a dude laid, but it won't help them find long-term joy and satisfaction with women (sexually or otherwise). tl;dr there's nothing revolutionary about it.

Interesting grab from a radfem friend; what is your take on wanting a video game, or product, however the developer of the product has some vile political belief that you could never support? Would you boycott the game despite liking it? Would you pirate it, perhaps? Both of these were answers I got

depends on your goals. if the idea is to get him to change his opinion, i doubt a boycott would do that in this situation. but if you want to send a message of disapproval, the pocket book is the right place to hit. personally i don't think i'd boycott a product i liked over the creator's political beliefs alone, only if they had vile actions (like rape).

You find blaire White's treatment of horrid but you're still "friends" with her that you're probably going to hang out. Maybe you should follow your own advice from a video of yours. "There is no shame in dropping toxic people from your life." Just saying

i wouldn't describe myself as friends with blaire. i talked to her on a livestream once and tweeted a few times. that's 100% of our contact.

Not sex ed but more social advice. How does a female maintain female friendships? Like, growing up I was always bullied & excluded by other women and trying to be friends with any ended in pain. It feels like I am Amy from Big Bang Theory.

i haven't seen much of big bang theory, but imo friendship is just like a romantic relationship. it takes trust, communication, and respect to thrive. some people are assholes, so just like anything else sometimes you gotta be patient and find the good ones that are worth investing time and energy on.

"no i don't you fucking dimwit" - responses like this make me skeptical of you, laci. U say people are entitled to their opinion, but it seems if u r ever asked about how ur actions have lead to someone being abused, ur not open to "open dialogue" anymore and become a bully urself.

aaaaaand i couldn't give a shit what you think about how i respond to people doxxed me.


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