
Laci Green

Ask @thelacepaste

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What, in your opinion, counts as cultural appropriation?

still trying to figure it out. i think generally, an outsider (usually a dominant group) stealing and capitalizing on another culture's relics, art, traditions, sacred symbols etc. it strikes me as especially egregious when capitalization is completely disconnected from the people of that culture, from its original purpose or meaning, or when there's no apparent appreciation or awareness of said culture/tradition.

Holy crap, I'm impressed by your in-depth, analytical response to the q. about rape. I already knew you were intelligent. That answer proved it even more so. You stated your main points, made your claims, and supported them with ample evidence.

why thanks! that's v kind. this is how i prefer to discuss these issues.

Chia seed pudding? Do you literally just mix the chia seeds with the milk? Is that it? How much of the mixture is a typical serving? I'll have to try that. Thanks for answering my breakfast question! :D

sure! here's my recipe for chocolate chia seed pudding:
* 4 cups unsweetened coconut milk
* 3 tsp stevia (or sugar, to taste)
* 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
* 1 cup raw chia seeds
* 1 tbsp vanilla extract
mix well, chill 24 hrs and it'll turn into pudding. i eat about 3/4 cup in morning and this lasts me the week. i add berries or fruit if i have some. nom nom :)

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I'm realizing that I never eat breakfast. What's a quick, easy, yet nutritious breakfast I can make for myself?

my favorite easy, cheap, filling, and super nutritious breakfast is chia seed pudding made with coconut milk. i honestly live for it ?. sometimes i'll mix in a little cocoa powder for chocolate, or matcha for green tea flavor. it's so yummy! and you can make a whole weeks worth in about 5 mins.

*man tries to rape woman* *woman shoots man in face* *man can't rape woman because dead* How the fuck is this "at odds with evidence-based violence prevention models"?

because this not a realistic understanding of how rape actually happens.
situations where the victim is attacked by someone they don't know (thus triggering fight or flight self defense measures) are fairly rare - about 7% of rapes, while rape with a weapon constitutes 11% of reports. the vast majority of rapes, however, are perpetrated by someone the victim knows and without the use of a weapon. this is critical context. think about it. is a woman really going to shoot someone she knows in the face when she feels threatened in a sexual situation? and, do we really want people to be ready to pull out guns on each other in the bedroom? and on a practical level, is it fair to expect women to have a gun on her at all times, around people that she knows (including her spouse), on dates, or at festivals and parties? not everyone is comfortable with guns or has the proper mindset/training to use them safely. these are a few reasons, beyond the data, that i feel that taking up arms is not a practical or logical rape prevention measure. i'm open to your counter points.

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how do you support gun ownership while at the same time not supporting open or concealed carry?

basically i am uncomfortable with guns in the public sphere when they're not being carried by trained professionals. it makes me feel unsafe in public given their current regulation status, and how easy it is for any idiot with a hero fantasy to get one/escalate a situation in public.

Follow up: I used the word dissonance because I was think you may have had to 'act the part' at times, sometimes pretend to fit the labels certain people had given you, when interacting with those people.

Daniel Green
i certainly felt a lot of pressure to speak a particular way and have particular opinions, but i never tried to be anything i'm not or lied about how i feel. i made it all the conflicting politics work by tiptoeing around them, up until i felt like i would have to start faking it to keep going. that's when i said something.

i just wanted to let you know that today it was announced that Ireland will finally have a referendum to repeal the 8th amendment which criminalises abortions and can end up with a woman who has an abortion having to spend 14 years in jail Thought you want to know abt this little victory!

that's fantastic! thanks for sharing the news.

Oh god. Are you becoming a gun nut?

lawl. ok define "gun nut". i'm not *becoming* anything, i've always held this view on guns in America. it'd definitely be different if i lived in a place that does not have such a heavy distribution of guns already. my current stance is basically:
-support right to ownership
-support HEAVY regulations, esp on assault rifles. background checks, waiting periods, illegal for domestic abusers to own one, training requirements, etc
-support lifting the red tape on funding for fire arms research
-support getting the NRA out of Congress' pocket$
-support universal access to mental health services
-support mental health outreach & edu for men, who experience high stigma getting help
-support evidence-based violence prevention programs at schools, especially bystander intervention (to recognize & report when there are warning signs)
-do not support open or concealed carry
i'd be open to seeing things differently, especially if it's data driven.

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