
Yvonne Chua

Ask @vonnechua

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what do u think about bdsm? do u like them?

Idk what's that. But it sounds perverse with the sneaky ass way this is asked hahaha

What are some of your favourite books?

Don't rlly get to read much for awhile. I like certain books from Christopher pike, James Patterson, right now I'm reading 'The Maze Runner' :)

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Hey hi! I've an issue which I'd like your advice for! I actually have a bitch face (I think), most people tell me that the first impression that I give is unapproachable. I have trouble communicating with people because of this barrier but I dont really know what to do about it!

Hello! Hey I think I have the same problem too! Some girls just have the 'harmless-sweet' vibes and can socialize w other girls much more easily. But not me though hahaha 'resting-bitch face' here
Then you have to make an effort to seem approachable! Smile more, talk and include people in the conversations, basically be the 'passive aggressive' socializer. ^^
But embrace it also luh, it's mad useful when you feel like people are boring or 'lasup' and don't much like entertaining. =D

Hi! Do you still do customisations for hws?:)

Hiiiii. Yep! Provided you're size 13" across or can provide me your own denim ^^

Hello! Can i know which hotel did u stay in when u were in bkk? :)

Hellooooooo. First or first house, first something one! Haha!

I heard you're the female equivalent of a 'player', you just disappear on the guys into you after awhile.

Is it? Must be quite awhile ago.
Nothing personal. When or why it gets boring/won't work out, just don't waste each other's time right? So, just move on lor! Don't think it's necessary to inform, afterall, there's no obligations. :)

any words to motivate army boys?

Can I motivate army boys' girlfriends instead? You know, the portion of them that don't cheat or leave? :/
Hm. Army may seem to 'suck' 2 years of your life away and drag you down. But then again, you get to mix w ALL sort of people in there, it's interesting. And the experience is pretty once in lifetime x all the army terms sibeh interesting can.
It's a good experience to mold a man's character luh seriously. :) just make the best of it k!

haha i see, but if there is a choice, u will still go for bigger dick right? haha

You seem to can't accept any other answer other than that. So if you insist man.

i mind if the girl whose downstairs is like dropping a pencil through a railroad tunnel, so scary!

Hahaha, very illustrative mental image painted, im sorry was highly annoyed by the dumbest questionssss

do you know that there are people in the world who get really turn on when beautiful dominant girls humiliate them for having small dicks?

Ah. Cool story.

Do you think those slimming cream will help in losing the belly fat? :)

No eh.... I think controlling diet, drinking more water to flush toxins, and green tea in the morning to detox feels healthier :) and if there's someone to kick your butt to work out!

I think in this society, people already classify small dick or boobs less appealing than their bigger counterpart dont u think so. Because people will automatically feel that. Although i understand that there are people who dont care. But deep down it still matters right? dont u think so?

I cannot verify that because I'm one of those who don't bother so much about such issues, sorry!

have u been with a guy who is really small down there? if no, would u mind if he is?

Have you been w a girl whose downstairs is like dropping a pencil through a railroad tunnel? If no, would you mind if that's the case??
Liked by: Lim Yong Siang


Language: English