
Yvonne Chua

Ask @vonnechua

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Hi! You really joined sq before?? Why didnt u pass? You def have the qualities! Go try again babe!!! :D

Hello! Hahaha was at the just broke up and post-graduate, not sure what to do in life kinda lost stage, which everyone is sure to go through one point or another :) so on a whim went and decided to go socialize flying solo. (And rlly made a few friends. In fact I just met them for dinz!)
Why uh.. I got to day 2 final round and went into Malaysia overnight anddddddd I kinda told them I'm gg to do fashion instead. Goodness something wrong w me ba haha!
Thank you! Maybe I will again. :)

how u get promoted so fast??

Hm they likes the way I work I guess hahaha Id prefer not gg into specifics about private work life so much so sorry!

Hello! When I graduate and want to find a job, can I look for you? Hahaha. Your job seems decent and doesn't drain out your energy. If you don't mind, of course.

Hahaha! I WORK V HARD OKIE HAHA. Omg look for me for wht! I also not recruitment agent I can't help you uh!!

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Haters are doing a good job here LOL

Who you kidding... You're the ONE person posing as loads of 'different anon' to troll. You rlly think cnt see IP address ah 自导自演的神经病. The only thing is just cause I don't rlly give a shit to bother. -__- but you can try harder kay 没人喜欢的小孩. -__-

I dont think you have set your Line ID at the settings yet. Can't seem to find you ay Line through the ID you gave.

I'll explore when free ba!

noo dear. Line ID you need to create at the Line settings. Your this name is your display name. :)

I replied too fast forget to type and ask you hahaha THEN WO BU HUI LA. You tell me your game name I add you lor!

you promoted to? congratulation

Hm. I kind of prefer certain aspects of my life private, except to closer friends. Haha. Gg to answer just once so Idh to again! PA to Director/GM. hahaha, thanks!

Do girls actually like shy guys? Or they don't even stand a chance?

Girls cannot be generalized into a single type, neither can guys. So yea, some types of girls would like shy guys.
But I do think being comfortable in social situations for any individual is a plus point!


LOL. Siao. Nah I just enjoy pushing your buttons where it'd trigger your obsessions w the need to spam me every other day to 'bring me down' and seeing what methods you'd attempt to pek me. Hahaha goodness. Lifeless loser. 继续努力吧神经病!

Hi vonne! You've clubbed before right? Do you think it's wise to club in an all girls group?

Yep once! ^^ Why not!! I don't see the harm. Even girls need girls' night out! ^_^

Do you believe in horoscopes?

Not rlly. Sometimes like zun, but sometimes people likes to imagine themselves into the positive traits of the horoscopes they belong to, it sounds good to relate to. :) then again I don't believe everyone is segmented into 12 groups generally.
I'm more of a cynic realist than dreamer by now ba.

Can I jerk off to u?

Whatever floats your boat. I honestly don't care how creepy you ppl are. Not like I say no you'd care. So don't waste both our time, so long it doesn't affect my life or ppl ard me I actually give a fuck about, you can go on being a creep

Are you comfortable going out without any makeup on, cause I really like seeing you without any makeup. Yes I have seen you without makeup :)

ISSIT. Your last statement surprised me.
Idm gg nearby places w/o. My theory is 'aiya got make up no make up 2 entirely diff person, no one will know is me anyway' Hahaha!

Hi! Can you reccommend some places to dye hair at? I'm thinking of ombre haha. Would like some place with good end results but not too pricey!

Hello! Sometimes for skin or hair, it's rlly you pay for what you get concept. Hm. Try. 'Hair Trendz'! :)

I have this eye candy whom is also interested in me. However, at the same time there is another girl that is interested in me but I don't really have any feelings in her. This girl then confessed to me and somehow at the spur of moment I accepted her confession but now kinda regretted it Any opinion

YOU ARE SO MEAN. My opinion is to be honest. And DO NOT get physically intimate in any way w this girl you've no feelings for just because you can. Be honest w her before more damage happensssss

U like super hungry for fame. Wanna be like tammy tay they all is it. You are gross

Hahaha! Good attempt trying to attack and pull people down to your low life level. Baseless statements purely based out of malicious intent.
Is that all there's in your life?
Maybe you should just run straight through the windows.

Finally, a smart, beautiful yet humble girl.

Hahaha! Thanks, issit got which one of my girlfriends you aiming at? Mamasan Chua back in business


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