
Yvonne Chua

Ask @vonnechua

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What is your height & weight?

164cm, and weight is on the wrong side of weighing scale hahahaha terribleee

Any advise on taking a gap year before entering university?

Hm good question. If you're privileged enough to do so (financially stable), I'd suggest for it to be a fruitful one than laze around and lag behind peers (so to speak).
You can challenge yourself to conquering things or fears you never thought you could, eg heights, marathon, travel alone. :)
You can also use this time to try things you have ALWAYS wanted to but never did, and also to pick up more self-enriching stuff.
Like pick up pole-dancing *wags eyebrows*, learn another language, do volunteer work, go for seminars, learn cooking etc
Personally, I'd opt to take a gap year post-university instead. But of course its your choice :)

What eye cream do you use

Eye cream? Skin Inc. but I only use for the sake of doing so, don't see much difference, my panda eyes too powerfulllll 😎
Liked by: Meee

oh haha wat other anime u watched senpai?

I only got time for this currently! Used to watch naruto bleach and fairytale

what do you look for in a man?

Good character development (no need to worry shit or loyalty issues etc) and chemistry.

Tall guy or same height? Does height really matter?

at least about 10cm taller than me so i get to have allowance for heels option in the least, but not TOO tall either cause personally i've a v tall brother at about 2m tall, enough please, my neck cramps hahaha


Language: English