
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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i do focus on my own life and well my friends are apart of my life too y know? But i couldn't just sit here and let you talk about selina like that because people who follow you is going to think selina is just a stuck up girl who only cares about her looks which you and me both know its not true

And she didn't answer cuz I know she's too scared lol. I know she is. The more questions like this I get, the more negative things I realize about her. So I suggest u shut ur mouth before I spill everything I know about her. Because damn there's a lot but I don't spill the beans unless needed to.
Liked by: Kim Pham

Grace your're are a really sweet person and kind i'm friends with selina and i talked to you too but you can be stubborn sometimes and admit what you did was wrong to selina.

Ok what did I do to her? Lol she doesn't deserve my friendship anymore. So shut up Wendy or Selina. Stop trying to pretend this isn't u. Lol. Seriously get lost. I don't need u in my life. Selina has her own life she can take of herself lol. It's not like she was my gf.. An she dropped me not me. So get the story right. AND u don't know me. Lol u don't know me well enough so please gtfo
Liked by: Kim Pham

i mean selina got so much questions about you but she decided not to answer it because she doesn't want your business out there which is the mature thing to do because its only between you and her no one else im done im not going to talk about selina anymore decide what u want to do have a nice day

Lol dude.. I don't even care anymore. Haha. I'm tired of seeing ur questions pop up. If ur a good friend, then go be a friend lol. Not my problem u aren't a good friend.

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Theres a difference between telling your side of the story and disrespecting her i mean saying she lacks in personality and all she has is looks going for her and shes trying to be like dannie riel and dannie is prettier than her. and im friends with selina so im no stranger lol you know its true.

LOL. Ok I never said her personality sucked? Ur just putting words in my mouth. And she's nothing like Dannie hahah. Dannie is wow she works hard for her shit, she knows what to expect and she has her future plan, she has a husband... U can't compare her to anyone. That doesn't mean Selina doesn't have positive sides. And tbh Dannie is prettier than her. It's my thought. It's this thing called "freedom of speech" amendment one. And if this is Wendy LOL get outta here. And apparently I'm the ones gettin the questions not you. I'm being real. Not a fake like some people. I'm not going to beat around the bush just to seem like a good person. Lol thts not me. U wana know the truth? I will tell u up to ur face. I got nothing to lose. My thoughts? Selina is sweet. She is kind and has a very heart warming personality. But she needs to own up to reality and start planning for her future. Because if ur her "friend" u should encourage her to do that. That's what I did. And guess what? She always thought about it but now idk. So why don't u be a friend and go help her out then. Lol. I did all I can, but now i need to focus on my own life thanks. Just as u need to do for urself.

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Liked by: Kim Pham

I dont think you should throw selina under the bus on ask.fm you guys were good friends once and you used to care about her and on her ask.fm she didnt say anything bad about you so its not really right to do this :/

Lol u act like u know all the stories. And I'm not throwing her under the bus. People ask about my side of story I tell them. I can answer however I like and I don't need the likeness of u to tell me what I can and cannot say. So done with that kinda crap. All I have been doing is doing shit for people, saying what they want me to say and taking shit for it and later not even getting any benefit from it. Yes she is my friend. No I don't think she is a bad person. Just her decisions sometimes are stupid and isn't thought through. I have gone through friendships like this before so I HAVE the right to make the right judgement for myself. Don't sit there unknowingly try to decide crap for me. Ur a stranger and yet u want to speak as if u know our story. I'm just someone who has kept lots of shit back and now I'm tired of the people around me get hurt including me. So I'm done. Got it? It's not up to u to make decisions for me. I'm a big girl. I been making my own decisions since age 9 I'm fine thanks.

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damn ..ok id still try to get selina but she seems to close minded... idk she needs someone to carry her

Yah and I got my own problems so no... Why would I have to help someone who won't benefit me

Tbh i doubt we'll meet bc I live in a different state than you but I really wish I lived in SoCal! Then I would know you and other cool people. Stay positive whenever you can! And remember when keep your head held high and your middle finger higher! Lifes too short for people those time wasters!

Haha one day! And hell yah! Head held high middle finger up! ^___^ ur words of encouragement is seriously amazing... Thank you.

tbh when i saw selina's instagram i was like SHE'S SO PRETTY but then i got to you and tina and im like K THEY'RE PRETTY AND idk the vibe was just genuine and shit... idk how to explain it but i could kinda tell that selina was just like ehhh with everyone tbh idk.. am imaking sense?

Yah lol. U make sense. It's not all there
Liked by: Kim Pham

What hair colors do you suggest for warm skin tone with yellow undertones lol (Asian)

Oh I have that ^^ u can really pull off a lot of different colors. U can do light colors tho.... I went for a light dirty blond. Lol. Or light light brown. Red is good too

If times are ever tough always know you got Tina and Nick and anons like me who are going to send you positive messages whenever you need them! Have a nice week! Even tho there's school blahhh.

aww you are seriously such de sweety pie. thank you for ur support, and i really hope we get to meet one day ^^ or at least offer the same support you are doing for me. I hope your week is amazing too <3

I think dannie is gorgeous too! And she definitely has worked hard from the bottom. She even has a really good personality. Really sweet and kind. Have you ever met her? I know she's been in Cali lol.

Hahaha no! I wish! She's beautiful! I never even knew her till this year! But I would love to ^^

You're a good friend for trying to help her. Too bad she didn't appreciate you. I'd kill to have a friend like you tbh.

I tried to. But you know some people don't realize till it's gone. It's ok tho. U WILL MEET AT LEAST ONE PERSON LIKE THAT! Someone u can click with

I offended you? Sorry. No I meant like not all people making videos are trying to copy. I know you do it to help people but I know Selina doesn't.

NOOO u didn't offend me!! Lol I'm sorry that's not what I meant ^^ but I do make videos to help you know? It's out of my joy. I don't expect anything from it.

Thoughts on dannie riel?

I don't know her history or anything... But she's BEAUTIFUL. And I know she works hard for her job. She doesn't sleep around, she's focused on it and knows exactly what she's up to. She's seriously gorgeous and wow... I can't compare her to anyone. AT ALL

-tion lol sorry got cut off. But yea she cant spell some words that's how I know LOL like simple words and not abbreviations either

Looks aren't everything

Lol tbh I feel like Selina Is trying to be like dannie with the vlogs & photo shoots, domt you think so? But she denies it lol when clearly she even has a pic or used to have a pic of dannie in her ig. And to whoever said she's smart ehh..idk her but I have a feeling she's more into looks than educa

LOLOL. (Laughing too hard) but yeah.. I mean it kinda offends me cuz although I don't make a lot of videos, I do it to help people and because it brings me joy to know I can help someone! But if someone does it just for popularity.. Smh...

forr real ur ask is entertaining hahahaah damnn make vlogs yo that would be entertaining as fuck! working out with nick yeahhhhhhhh LEGOOO

OHHH with nick :3 hehe. I should ^^ it would be fun ohoho

Grace! your so beautiful <3 inside and out! tbh your the most beautiful out of the 3 (u, selina, and Tina)

Me?? Are u insane? Lol. Thank you for the sweet compliment but I really doubt that ^^ I'm just crazy haha
Liked by: Tina Nguyen

nah its not bothering me lol i find your ask.fm entertaining sometimes. some of the questions people ask

Yah same ^^ especially when u have nothing to do haha.


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