
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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How would you describe Miley Cyrus's style? Would you be interested in trying them it out?

I actually do like her new look and style, but u found her to go a bit overboard. She's unique and different but going too far...

if someone gave me a decision to pink between you and Melinda i would definitely pick you ;D

My thank you ^^ of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion, I'm glad u chose me tho :D

What brand do you think is WAY better in general? Burberry or Prada?

I would say prada, but that's only cuz I'm around prada more... Burberry seems a bit boring to me lol.

Do you prefer to marry an Asian guy with REALLY fashionable taste/ enjoys shopping with you or a completely unstylish guy that relies on you to shop for him?

Def the first... But doesn't have to be Asian! But please dont rely on me. I'm not their mother, I should have to dress the guys

chief keef listen to that song first day out. thats were I got staren enema a witd a blunt of errrr . song hoes hard barely understand what he's saying. it took me like 7 tines to listen to the song to finally understand what he's saying aha


Do you trust websites like amazon and eBay?

Yah I do, because now a days, u can track ppl down an it's hard to scam

why do you act so tough lol

I don't act tough. It's just the Way I am. My mom was raised military style, she raised me and my sister the same way.. And besides, if u lived my life, there was no other choice but to be be tough. No time for flimsy girly times.

Thoughts on doc martens. I'm debating whether to splurge on them or just get regular boots.

Well think this way... Do u want one shoe that will break off eventually or plenty where u can choose and wear and lasts longer due to plenty of choices?

I love the way you think Grace! You sound like a great friend for a fashionable dude to hang around! ^^

Thank you so much^^ I don't really judge people unless I really have a chance to meet them. I think guys are good at fashion just as much as girls, sometimes even more! Has nothing to do with gender or sexuality!

Thoughts on knock offs. Fake LV bags, fake doc martens, fake anything and everything

Well... I grew up with no knock offs, so I would have to say, don't. It's expensive too! And shitty quality. If ur Guna get something, get the real one. Knocks offs are crap and the quality sucks. And it makes u look cheap even if u aren't.

Where do the happiest people live?

Wherever they think is best. Where their dreams take them with support and whom they need

Help me. I'm debating whether to get maroon, black or white sneakers. Half of my closet is black. And the other half is mixed.

I really like white. Even if it's hard to maintain, maroon is so.... Too hype lol.

Are you one of those ppl that believe male fashion designers are homo/gay? :(

No wtf. Guys can dress as fashionable as they want. Ain't no one have to be gay to know how to dress.
Liked by: Krystal Cardona

Why don't you like Melinda? What did she do? Have you ever liked her to begin with?

Oh yah I liked her when I first met her. It's not like we started on a bad start. In my
Opinion, I think her ego changed her. She turned out to be a very two faced person and I have met people like that and had to deal with that for a long time.. And I don't want to deal with that ever again because I don't want to waste my time. But tbh, I don't really care about her nor think about her. I move on with my life as it always has and she goes on with hers. But after the whole thing with Brandon and such, like damn. No need to get all high and mighty. It's a simple act of being the bigger person, yet she was not able to do. She's a smart person and yah she has a great future, but who knows. That kind of attitude might be the thing to ruin it for her. She suppose to represent our school as well as some clubs yet I feel a bit ashamed.. I'm not a perfect person either, but when rumors are going around and lots of crap talk goes around, it's not pretty. Sometimes, some people has to learn to bite their tongue and hold their breath or they might say something stupid. Hopefully, everything gets better, and although I dislike her, i can still work with her and work as a team if she is willing. If not, then I guess not. I just really wish she sees reality soon because If it doesn't, it might hit her hard and no matter who it is, that's difficult for anyone to handle. I'm not a very hateful person, just very blunt. If I have something to say, I will say it, nothing to be scared of. If ur scared of what people think of you, then u are Guna waste ur time thinking of what other people would say and can't live ur life.

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