
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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Describe love

Love? Is where you would be willing to sacrifice your life for the other person. Where you can see them in your future.. And where u can't really imagine them outta ur life. And when you really click with them. And when you are the happiest in your life andthey are there to keep you up.
Liked by: tram

Should you ever wear yoga shorts to public or school

Ummm I usually don't unless I have practice. But why not? They are just reg shorts

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how much does nick benchpres/deadlift/squat?

No bench press. We use free weights but I think he has to bench press soon cuz he maxed out the free weights of 75. He dead lifts uhhh a two plates and 25? He squats 2 plates and... Something I forgot. Haha

What's a must have for senior year? Clothing wise... not like a machete so you can clear the hallways and rid of the people you dislike lol.

Hahaha I would say jeans. A nice pair of jeans can really go a long way with just about anything. And maybe some nice flats too. I would say jeans tho

Thoughts on flare jeans and cropped halter tops. Do you think them coming back is yay or nay?

Hahahahahah nay son

when can we dance naked? nick cant join us lol im a girl so he should be alright with it. LOLOL

Depends on him. But if I know u he won't mind but if ur a stranger hahah. That would be weird. Why would u wana dance naked?

do you honestly like guys that dress classy/preppy at school? or does that just like give you a vibe that they're a nerd?

I like it but no one can pull it off
Liked by: Diamond

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2NghJuQrRo grace!! im in love with this korean song so much!! I have to share it with you! what do you think about it?! :) i dont like kpop bands but i love indiviual artists they're so much orginal than kpop bands.

its alright lol. i personally dont like kpop at all... but they have soothing voices but its all the same as others.. thats why its alright. but tbh i like it better than all the crappy techno they do

If you can, could you describe your favorite scent in a cologne for men? Like do you like that woody sell? Etc. Any cologne names you'd like to list out? Thanks!

i love refreshing smells. nothing too heavy nothing tooooo light. ummm idk. cuz nick doesnt use cologne and he smells SOO good ^___^ im just lucky.

I see you deleted the selina question on your newest video LOL i saw that and i giggled to myself.

^^ I guess I didn't edit it right

You're beautiful just the way you are Grace :-) your body is to die for btw

trambamtran’s Profile Phototram
^//////^ oh my oh my thank you tram <3 really brings up my poor spirit T^T
Liked by: tram

Would you ever agree to film a sponsored video on a product that you dislike just for the cash in return?

ugh no.... why would i do that? i dont want to spread around false rumors... unless its a product i never tried before, but if im ok to be honest about it (with a bit of positive note) i will be ok

I'm dead serious hahaha it's perfect and don't let others tell you otherwise:)

thank you ^^ but its more like me... i tell myself im not good enough T___T

Tbh I love your body shape! its not too skinny but not to fat, just the right size!

what??? really...? im super duper self-conscious about my body but idk if im just judging myself too harshly... but thank you wow really


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