
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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thoughts on bella and Melinda?

Bella is seriously the sweetest girl I have ever seen... Like so innocent so sweet and so hard working! I hope she made it to UCLAcand if she don't, WELL THEY MISSED OUT. I couldn't give a fuck about the other one sorry.

i cant believe he did that! so happy you left him! never let a guy treat you like that ever again! you don't deserve it hell no woman does.

Yeah THAT IS TRUE. I was told to leave so many times but he made me feel so worthless that I thought I wouldn't find anyone else
Liked by: tram

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So did he kind of cheated on you?! :I omg he is such a bitch...........ugh it makes me mad

Yeah... And oh god... He was so... Ugh hate him

grace your videos cheer me up a lot i hope you can be a popular youtuber one day! :)

Haha I'm so happy to hear that! And thank you for ur support it means a lot! <3

LOL the too much hype and they need to calm the fuck down made me laugh because its so true lol

Yeah. Some people are just so.... Ah.... Need common sense

your ex sounds like an asshole! i hope nick treats you like a princess! you deserve to be treated like a princess or i'm gonna shrank someone.

HAHAHAHA thank you! He does treat me like a princess and oh god he's the sweetest thang
Liked by: tram

Sorry to ask but what did your ex did to you?

It's ok^^ well when we were in a almost relationship, he slept with a girl and lied to me about it... And he always told me I was inconsiderate, selfish, and didn't try...he made me hate myself and really think I was a horrid person. I always cared for him, stayed up to talk to him, and never really told him my problems... But he never said thank you... Lol I never even got me a gift for anniversary or birthday or anything.. And he actually yelled at me on my bday for saying that my friend made my day... And he left me at the beach stranded with random guys following me on his bday because I called him childish. Then I got sick right on the spot. Yeah... Yay

Grace I saw your video! :D but you didn't answer my question about the stacking lashes on the video ),:

I made that video before I got ur question, so urs will be on the next one def! <3

Honestly when I first saw a picture of you and your ex back then I thought he was really cute and was a good bf to you </3 but i guess not

He is cute lol. But looks aren't everything.. He was really no-no to me...

Don't you think there's a lot of fake people out there? And how do you deal with them?

Yeah there is... And I deal with them by making sure I don't meet any of them. If I meet someone who is fake to me, I immediately stop talking to them. Just try not to get into them as much and go along with ur life. They not worth it.

You're really pretty like no joke. Whenever I watch your YouTube video I look at your face more than listening <3

Aw ur too sweet! Thank you! :3 still, I hope I talk about something that may entertain you!

grace any naturals ways to lighten hair?

I know swimming lol. But my friend Tina used sun in which is a spray. But it only works good in dark hair... I heard u can use lemon juice and water! I just spend a lot of time in the sun

luffy used to be very tan during the older episodes of one piece!! than in the new episodes hes white!!

OHHHH hahah thanks! I get it! I still think he's pretty light

grace for the q and a you didn't pronounce sshi for me, the struggle for me is still very real

OMGGGG IM SO SORRY! Totally slipped my mind! I will post one on ask tonight ok? I promise! Grace is sowwy

If you can say something to one of your exs, what would it be?

Well first I would slap him. And say "you treated me like dirt crap. I hope you go fuck urself u piece of shit. I gave and gave, but if ur Guna act like a bitch every time I tried my best but didn't fulfill ur desire, too bad. Suck it up, grow up, grow some balls and actually act like a man. Oh and u don't deserve my dad's forgiveness. U are disrespectful and disgusting. You belong with the other street dogs, sniffing for scraps and shit. I hope your life is just as crap as yourself, you dillhole."

Thoughts on people naming their children India or China or similar names like these. ESPECIALLY when they aren't even in the same race.

Ummm... My thought is... Just don't name them hitler or soemthing stupid
Liked by: Christine Le

Would you rather have a average curve/booty size and thigh gap or a big booty with bulky thighs?

Well I'm already big booty and big thighs.... So I guess I like my booty. I want bigger tho lol

I feel ya girrrrl. Older friends are more mature and shit lol I have a lot of friends who are upperclassmen. The underclass men... They try to act all badass uhhh ahahahaha

Yeah... Too annoying for me so NAHHH


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