
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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what do you think of the south Korean band EXO? are they talented? yes or no?

Idk who they are lol. I don't listen to k pop

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i'm a fat taco and anytime i walk, some meat and lettuce falls out of my tortilla! and i cant hold myself together any more, any advice for me? btw i'm a hard shelled taco not soft.

Hi Brandon ^^ and just eat urself

I saw your instagram post about selina. Hell you're An amazing friend Grace. Good job for sticking up for selina. Seriously you're a beautiful person

Oh haha ^__^ thank you. I try to be a good friend to all my close friends. There's no reason to why they should be treated like that
Liked by: Cat

what do you want to go after high school and what college do you plan on going to? :o

I want to do what makes me happy. Go to fashion school (FIDM) and learn more about it. Continue with Promise and try to make it better ^__^ maybe even keep doing YouTube for the hell of it. Life of a hedonist ^^ keep myself happy, everyone around will be too.

Anna: Elsa? (Knocking) Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on lets go and play I never see you anymore Come out the door It's like you've gone away We used to be best buddies And now we're not I wish you would tell me why Do you wanna build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman. Elsa: Go away,

Ok bai

What's your view on freshmen dating senior?

Well... Ok I dated seniors when I was a freshmen and I have to say... Hahah a waste of time! I'm saying they wasted their time on me. Freshmens don't know CRAP. Even if they pretend they do. I didnt know crap either! My best advice? Just play with them don't date them. They still have this childish mentality and tbh it ain't Guna work out

what did her stepdad post mean things about selina on her facebook?

He didn't wtf.... Who said he posted crap on fb?

wtf. That's her stepdad?!! No wonder. I was thinking how a father can do such thing to his daughter. Turns out it's her stepdad. Have you ever met him? That is so messed up.

I have and he's always been nice to me... But so many people tell me he isn't idk... Lol. I just wish Selina had an older sister so she could you know talk to her and stuff. But that's why she has me and Tina ^^

are you getting annoyed with Selina questions LOl were sorry!

It's ok lol. I don't really mind. I'm just worried

then how do u know that what her step dad posted was fucked up?

? I never said what he posted was fucked up...

would she be upset that you told off her dad? because its her dad, unless hes not a good person to selina

Yah she's fine. They don't have a good relationship and I know whats up. If he was a good father, I wouldn't say anything.

What lashes do you use? And do you just stack 2 pairs of lashes on top of each other?

I use various haha. And yah I either stack it before I put it on because they might end up looking different or just stack it on my eyes

Well how does selina feel about this? i mean why did the father hack the facebook in the first place?

That's a personal matter, and idk.. I'm as a friend who is very blunt want to put it out there that Selina isn't as bad as people make it seem. She's a wonderful friend to me and she's very sweet.


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