
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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Okay, you are by far one of the most helpful people for reliable answers because I just tried on my pair of Wayfarers, and you are right in how you said that at first it looks awkward! I just LOVE the fit/ style and I really hope people won't think I look like a complete dork..HAHA

I promise u won't look like a dork ^^ and hey! Dorks happen to be cute! Lol literally, u get so use to that glasses u will be like "damn I look fine today with these!" haha. I guarantee!

Wow. I'm completely opened to all your answers! They make so much sense compared to other reviews online -__-.... Haha! Again thanks Grace! And have a great Christmas! :)

Of course! ^^ glad to help :) merry Christmas to u too and a happy new year ^___^ ask me anything u like I will try my best to give u the clearest answer I can!

I sorta get it! LOL Thanks for taking the time to explain to me btw! Pardon my annoyance.. But uhhh would you think Wayfarers would look on ANY guy's face? Or would it have to be a particular structure/shape?

Oh no worries! Ask away! Its not a bother at all! I enjoy questions like this ^^ see what I like about these glasses is they suit most of all faces. And if at first it looks awkward, u get used to how it looks! On smaller faces, it looks very cute, while on structured faces, it looks masculine. It's very versatile too! Casual wear or classy wear!

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You know it's funny, can you please explain to me like, why Ray Ban Wayfarers tend to look better on guys than girls? I agree with your statement! But I'm not exactly sure why....LOL

Well I was talking about aviators but oh yah these! Yah they look better on guys cuz of the shape. The rectangular/squarish shape is a bit bold and sharp, so it's meant for a macular face. For women, it is usually smooth and full like ovals or cutesy and unique like circles. Get it? If not, ask me more! I would love to explain more if needed ^^

Do you have a YouTube account? :)

Ummm well I have a gmail, but there are no videos ^^ imma do one, edit and upload today ^^ hopefully it doesn't take too long!

If a 45 year old man from Vietnam was hitting on you (trying to go out with you)... what would you do? ( Very descriptive response please! )

Depends if this man is polite I would turn him down politely as well. If he is annoyingly patronizing me, then I will tell him to gtfo. But if he seems like a good enough guy, maybe I will take a sip of coffee with him, listen to what he has to say, and then maybe deny him. You don't know what kind of person he may be so keep alert. But yah it really depends on the guy itself.

do a you tube tutorial your phone camera is good enough!

Hahah ur right! I will tonight I promise! Don't laugh at me tho!!

which nyx brow pencil do you use? how is it? i'm really hesitant on getting it

I left it at home but it's a really long one. I might make a video about it, so check my social networks ok??

Which gives you the most pleasure - giving presents or receiving them?

I kinda like giving cuz I love the reactions they give. I mean getting presents are good too considering how much I like to give, but yah. I don't mind if I don't get anything either as long as I make someone happy
Liked by: huyenie n

Do you like it when guys put on nice cologne? Do you prefer guys putting on actual cologne or that AXE body spray? And if you prefer cologne, which brands would you like for guys to put on. :)

Ewwwww axe is so nasty its like the cheapest brand of any colognes... For middle schoolers... I do like the one cologne my friend wears... I think it was guess or Gucci? I forgot the name... And omg that one from bath and body works the PARIS one. It smells divine.

what do you use for your eyebrows? do you only use rimmel by itself?

Oh I don't use rimmel anymore. It disappeared... I use NYX way better. And brown eye shadow to set the pencil

Do you trust people easily?

Hmmmm yes I'm a sucker but if I know for sure or if soemthing is too off, then no. Like fuck off lol

HO on Ray Ban Wayfarers for both guys and girls? (All black colored)

Well tbh I have been dying to get some gold rimmed polarized aviators from ray bans... But black I think looks good on both male and female but mor on guys

Where do you think Santa Claus is from?

The damn world... He got so fat that he couldn't move. So he decided to find a job that pays him to sit still and be warm and hide his face for the sake of hiss pride. So he became the Santa Claus
Liked by: Bruh Y U Ask Dat

How do you like a guy's hairstyle to be? Long bangs with a messy look? Or some other sophisticated hairstyle?

I prefer just a comb over lol. I like beat hair styles not too messy ones

wow rlly?! well thx for boostin' up my self-esteem! :)

Lol I think any dark shade with a pop of that color makes it really adorable!

do you think it's gay when guys wear pink.... :( i wore a pink dress shirt under a grey v-neck sweater and got made fun of today... :(((((

No I think it's cute ^^

That anon is right Grace. You are beautiful that I even have low self esteem all the time, but you know I love you endlessly <3

Omg dude not even... LOLOL. Insure for life OH WEO

you and jole are probably the prettiest juniors at west and both of ya are my faves <3 why do you guys have to be so pretty :( :( :( always lower my self esteem when i see you guys :(

LOLOL. What! Jole maybe ^^ she's such a cutie pie! Love her to death<3 lol. BUT U SHOULD LOVE THE WAY YOU ARE!! I'm no one special, just an individual^^

I was sad today because I didn't get to spend some time with you, but at least I saw you after school! I hope you have a splendid Christmas break and you better go to my party on the 30th at Bella Terra bb xoxo I love you so much, you don't even know c:



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