
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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whats going on, why do people care so much about this? xDD everyone is being too dramatic grace & selina doesn't want to be friends anymore just deal with it lol

THANK YOU. Gosh... Like just drop it.
Liked by: Dylan Pham

i see things haven't really calmed down yet lol

Some people won't let it go. I haven't even answered like 10 questions lol.

people are upset because you are not defending yourself ,you are bringing her down and criticizing her for no reason, you have the time instead of ignoring peoples questions you answer back in paragraphs. you are using ask.fm as way of revenge, way too petty for me. but i'm done with this bye

Oh shut up. It's people like u that started harassing me first with questions all I did was answer them. Lol. U must not read cuz for no reason? HAHAHA. U obv don't know what's going on. So gtfo miss nosy but I don't know anything. Haha ur so pathetic
Liked by: Kim Pham

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Lol. I feel like you're enjoying this. I know you want to defend yourself and clarify the reason why you don't want to associate with her. But criticizing someone doesn't make you high and mighty. Just ignore all the questions regarding the drama & soon people will stop bothering. Peaceoutmahnigga

Lol I totally enjoy wasting my time talking about her. Because I have THAT much time.... Lol. Look just fuck off. I'm tired of talking about her. K? Peace not mah nigga

Chris Pham he was Whitney's ex boyfriend she told me about how she hooked up with Chris at justin ? is that true ? doesn't she tell you these things ?

Lol another reason why I drop her. She always lied to me and doesn't even tell me anything... It's like I wasn't even worthy to be her friend. Lol. Idk. Why don't u go ask her? I mean I'm sure she's too scared to answer half the things she's been getting asked for some reason.
Liked by: Tina Nguyen

The anon...just cause you're older doesn't always mean you're more wise. I see many adults that are very immature and still hasn't gotten their shit together. And this anon thinks they know everything and try to defend a girl like selina

Exactly... Like wtf. makes me laugh so hard to see ppl like that
Liked by: Tina Nguyen

yes i'm alot older than you, i'm twice your age and i a lot of life experience probably more than you and spending ten minutes talking to you wont take much from my day. but i see you still don't understand and im talking to a child, I hope you make the right decisions for you and your old friend

Lol u know I wonder about people like you trying to act all high and mighty because u are older. Haha. Honey, I don't really care how old you are. Please. If ur that older, shouldn't u be idk going to work or college or Something? I mean who in their right mind who is 2 times older than me be talking on ask to me about some high school crap? Lol. Why don't u talk to Selina and see her little side? I mean clearly, u aren't willing to listen to mine so go take her side from her actual side. Tell me how much logical thoughts u get from her. Have fun with ur grown up life.
Liked by: Tina Nguyen

Well if your growing up, i say make a grown up decision, be the bigger person and stop the hate people are giving to your old friend even if things didn't go smoothly between you two.now thats being mature about it, stop the high schoo childish things and move on btw i'm a lot older than u so i know

HAHAHA ur older than me so u know? Wow aren't u just so mature? Lol. The only way u would ever be mature than someone is through life experience... -.- and tbh I have gone through lots of shit enough to say I'm dropping her as well. And uhhh I'm not really spreading hate. Again, do I have to repeat myself for u? Ok. I only answer my questions that has been asked to me. Ur the one causing another chain of bs rn too. So if ur "old" enough, shouldn't u be wasting ur time else where? Cuz I have lots of older friends and I know they wouldn't be behaving the way u are now. So go on ur way, mr/miss grown up. Lol. What a joke.
Liked by: Tina Nguyen

17 old girl? i consider that still a baby, you haven't even began to experience life. still in highschool. that's the age where you make mistakes and when you grow up you learn from them you relize when you were in highschool you didnt make the right choices and you try to be better

Lol thts when you START acting like an adult. AKA. Taking care of ur own shit. Learning and making new better choices. Seniors should get ready for college and reality and life. I mean u might as well be a baby till u graduate college... Dude if ur about to graduate high school u need to get ur ass in action and start thinking about ur future. Cuz high school is seriously stupid... But once u hit college it's completely different. That's why it's not good to be acting like a child while u go to college or no one will wana be with u. Lol. So u know. Start growing up
Liked by: Cat Tina Nguyen

wow how sick is this all of you is hating on a girl. i mean everyone makes mistakes and selina will learn from them, what you guys are doing is not right, grace i see you differently now. this is why people sometimes hurt or kill themselves because of you guys hating on one girl from her choices

Lol. Her choices... Her mistakes.. I expect a 17 year old to learn from ALL those mistakes. I don't really care how u view me. Lol. I just don't wana baby someone who's almost legal... U should start making right decisions after like 2 mistakes... Not 50.. And who TF are u? Lol. Do u even know the story? No, so please shut up. If u aren't included in the convo, then I suggest u dig a hole an watch from there.
Liked by: Cat Tina Nguyen

Selina thinks she's superior or some shit. Deep down she's a loner boner with no real friends. If she was to ever get her face burnt off, let's see if those "friends" of hers will still be there..

Damn face burnt off? A little too vicious!
Liked by: Tina Nguyen

I'm not talking trash but selina is such a wannabe Dannie riel, she starts copying her eyebrows and poses... And when people say "you look like Dannie" she would fake saying she wants to look like herself lmao. She probably wants to be an import model but I don't think her mean personality would fit

Lmao *brb need to compare* well I don't really see the resemblance... The only way to really see if they DO look alike is when both of them are bare faced. That's when u can really compare.

so if i go to Korea? i wont be accepted or be able to find love? D:

Well that's not what I meant! There are some people out there! I mean Korea has broadened her culture.... But idk I haven't been there for 11 years

do koreans from korea accept other ethnities like black, Spanish ,white? because I've heard they don't like dating outside their race mostly the adjumma's lol i don't know if its true or not like they want to keep the blood line pure but not Korean Americans just koreans i wanted to ask you

Yeah... It's true.. They don't like Koreans dating other races cuz they think of Korean as rare species. Haha. It's the pride which I don't mind... But sometimes they take it a bit too far

Is it ok to be in love with fictional characters LOl

Ummm... I'm going to say no because then that's what u expect in reality and no one will be like Tht

korean culture vs american culture what are difference?

Korean is super formal and polite... Don't ever dress like excuse me hobos in public and always known for their skinniness and maturity
Liked by: Christine Le

what does a brassy color mean? and do you know hair red hair dyes that aren't damaging on the hair?

Brassy means like the color of a penny! And all hair dying is damaging Lol


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