
Mama G

Ask @getsome_korean

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(I'm not trying to be racist nor offensive) Is it a popular custom for most Koreans to eat breakfast and then brush their teeth? I only asked because I saw it in a get ready with me video on youtube by Jenn from clothesencounters and a couple of korean tv shows.

uhhh i dont know... i usually eat before and then brush my teef.. because like u brush ur teeth at night and then in the morning whats in ur mouth? hahaha so yeah i do that

LOL really man vvv to that guy down there that posted his picture lmfao/

lol people are people. aint no thang

Do you think i can get asian girls. https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10372583_10152494867584772_7210257107818922148_n.jpg?oh=0a7141e46400a33eef2f705171ed8094&oe=54310648 Tbh i dont mind just be honest :D thanks

Well it's really up to the girl you know? It's not necessarily if they are asian or not. It's if they like you or if they are interested in white guys. I mean you aren't bad lookin just hopefully your attitude and personality doesn't suck lol.
Liked by: Christine Le

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k no need to be rude about it, i was just trying to explain what a nose job is :/

Haha I wasn't trying to be rude xin loi xin loi

What helps you move on from an ex?

Keeping yourself occupied! And always thinking that they didn't deserve you! Always be positive and look forward not back!

rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure to enhance the appearance of your nose ! to make it higher, smaller, slimmer, etc....

I was just defending myself from a nasty bitch who shot insults at me... Lol and now you talk about cosmetic rhinos? Oh ohoho i like animals

do you think wendy is more attractive than selina in the looks department? tina and selina, who do you think is prettier in person vs. in pictures :)

I like.... Idk who cares.

you got a nose job?! o__o whaaa haha

Lol is that like a blow job but for noses? Holy crap the sex department is getting more weird

how do u study? what methods do you do?

I need a teacher. A FUN teacher who can connect with me and can take a joke

Lol grace I'm in Cali for vacation and me and my fam keeps getting lost xD confusing ass roads in san Diego

Haha I wouldn't blame you! It's hella confusing! Always keep a gps ok?? Don't get lost! But there's a lot of cool places so keep looking around!

You're the nastiest bitch i ever met your nose is fucken ugly. get a nose job oh wait! you already did still looks fucken ugly. heard you fucked selina's ec erick nasty hoe.

Hi ugly jealous bitch. Did your mother abandon you on the street corner the same place you were made and born? Oh I don't blame her ^____^ die away from me :D

what do you do in fashion club?

Well I haven't been in it for a while but I remember we made clothes and learned about te pattern. And we go on field trips

mascara primer sucks!!! dont use it! it made my eyelashes turn white once LO if you're going to use it get a clear one.

But... That's what mascara primer does... Makes it usually white.... And then you coat the mascara...

If you could have dinner with any political figure, dead or alive, who would you pick?

The dude that came after President Nixon and ask... what is wrong with you


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